Monday, June 21, 2010

Hello Summer!

I always look forward to the slower pace of summer.  Especially this year!  The last few months have been a series of deadlines, celebrations and life taking a few unexpected twists and turns.

For me, summertime means mornings that are not dictated by alarm clocks, but instead by the sounds birds chirping, sprinklers turning on, and lawn mowers humming.  Hot afternoons with far less hectic schedules are an invitation to lounge in the backyard under the shade of trees reading a book.  Evenings give way to cooler air, dinner on the grill, sipping a favorite cocktail, the glow of lanterns and fireflies and perhaps a visit with friends or neighbors. 

And, then the best time of all....summer vacation! The beach is my absolute favorite destination. The sound of waves crashing, the smell of  salty sea air, sand between my toes and a breeze coming off the ocean is all that I ever need to truly relax!

Hello Summer...I've missed you!!!

All images coutesy of Google


  1. Nice pictures on this post. I love the warm months as well. This year I decided not to put the kids in camp since it starts at 9am. They stay up late and run around the yard with flashlights chasing lightning bugs then sleep in and play in their pj's until 11:00. Easy living if you ask me!

  2. You absolutely captured the essence of summer with these photos! I want that brickscaped patio. :) I love the relaxed morning schedule of summertime too.

  3. I feel the EXACT same way! And then it all goes racing by, which is truly my only "problem" with summer! :)

  4. Love your description which is why Summer is so darn perfect!!
    Happy Summer... yeah!
    And thank you for your anniversary comment... it was so sweet and much appreciated.

  5. Yes, goes too fast but looks like you have great plans to enjoy every minute of it. Enjoy XO

  6. Ditto on everything you said!! I'm so excited as well. Happy, happy summer to you!

  7. Fabulous description of this most wonderful time of the year!! You have captured it perfectly, in words and images. I am determined to jump in the sprinkler this summer, to drink margaritas as often as possible, to blow bubbles on the deck {yes, even my big kids like doing this!} and to just take it ALL in....and savor it. Wonderful post! xx Suzanne

  8. You just pulled me right into your post....ahhhh summmer!

  9. I know this summer with your family will be a special one. Enjoy every minute! Don't you wish it would last until Christmas?!?

  10. I just love this. I've been way too busy this summer. This makes me want to slow down. Life is way too short to miss all this. thanks for reminding me. Mona

  11. ::sigh:: Reminds me of summers pre-law school, when I actually got to enjoy them! Now? I feel like summer is a haze of baby showers, weddings, bachelorette parties, babies' birthdays....just too many obligations?

    (Okay I'll admit I sound like the Summertime Grinch...maybe it's just been a crazy day!)

  12. As a 1st day of summer baby, I have a HUGE thing for all things summer. Fireflies, later sunsets, toes in the sand....and 3 things in your post. Mojitos (or margaritas), popsicles and hammocks. May summer last as long as possible!!! xo

  13. Hope you're enjoying your summer! So thrilled to be done with alarm clocks and staying in Sweden for a few weeks. Like the relaxing pace least for a while!!

  14. What fabulous images! Every one of them, but the watermelon looks so real I need a fork. xx's

  15. these quintessential summer images...
    are fabulous!!!


  16. Sounds absolutely utterly divine. I miss summers in the west coast when the evenings would be cool & you could lounge on the lawn. The waters of the Pacific ocean, all of it. You made miss home or I need to reconsider & move to Virginia! Enjoy each & every second xx

  17. What a fun blog you have, I just found it. Love this post, it captures everything I love about summer! ~Debby xo

  18. I'm ready for summer somewhere else than the south. The heat is killing me already, can't imagine July and August. Enjoy yours. xx

  19. Stunning images, make me feel rathe summery -- we have just landed in AZ and I dare say, summer is very much alive here.

  20. dance and cheer, summer is here! your blog is sweet. happy to find you. please stop by and say hi!


  21. In the South, school gets out in May, so it seems like summer has already been going on for at least a month before it is 'officially' summer!

    My favorite time of summer is going to the beach too...I am definitely a beach person, not a mountain person.

  22. Great images, the fruit and berries just had me drooling. Love the sprinklers it brings back great childhood memories. Summers are pretty wonderful aren't they, Kathysue


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