Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Fond Farewell to Marija

Marija Stephens, as so very many of you know, was the author of the beautiful and very stylish blog, Holding Court.  We began blogging a month apart and I will never forget the first time that icon with the gorgeous white house and colorful tulips popped up on a comment.  When I clicked over to her blog I was completely hooked by what I saw and read. Marija had a way with words and her images were breathtaking. Truly unique, talented and original.

We rarely missed commenting on each others blog.  I spent last evening going back and reading many of her comments. She always had an opinion and great perspective.  But, it was her wit and humor that came through that made me smile.  I looked forward to reading her comments as so many of you did as well. And, also like so many, we too had forged a friendship as a result of blogging. It started out as a simple email from her and a response from me. Soon we began communicating via g-chat. Then one day, while we were on g-chat her husband, Cory said "wouldn't it just be easier to talk on the phone!" So we did....often. We talked about everything from our kids, to what we were doing on any given day, to our homes...and of course a ton about design and blogging.  Marija and I had never met in person. The last time I spoke to her was late in the afternoon of Friday July 2, 2010. It is still so hard for me to believe that the opportunity to meet will never come.

I will miss my blogging friend who died on my birthday. I only knew you for 6 short months, but I know your voice, laughter and our many conversations will linger in my mind for a long time to come.

Please keep her husband, children and family in your thoughts and prayers.
