Sunday, July 4, 2010

Stars & Stripes

Fourth of July celebrations are some of my earliest childhood memories.  My birthday shares the same week and so often when I was young my parties had a patriotic theme.  Just the sight of red, white and blue balloons, plates, napkins and little flags always gets me feeling nostalgic. But, as I grew up I never wanted any of these colors in my party decorations!  Thankfully, in adulthood I have to come love and appreciate them so much once again! Who better to give us the perfect 4th of July than Martha? I hope you enjoy these images....

Have a great Holiday!!!


  1. No body does a holiday better than Martha. Thanks for showing some of her images, loved them all,Happy 4th to you and yours,Kathysue

  2. Happy Fourth...and happy birthday! Love that bike! Great photos. Puts all my (lack of) decoration to shame! Next year! Thanks, Trish

  3. Thanks for sharing all these beautiful photos. I had not seen them before. Happy 4th to you!

  4. At first I said "Martha"?--like who? But then I saw the pictures! Oh Yeah! Pretty Terrific! I hadn't seen them either. She's such a class act! There's more blue here and it's less intense. Really pretty. Makes me happy! Happy birthday and 4th of July! Jacqueline

  5. martha always does it up right! love all of those images!

  6. I love all these images so much, you have such a great eye! Happy long weekend, and Happy Birthday to YOU! xx

  7. I love all these images. They really capture the spirit of the holiday!!! And, a Happy Birthday to you!!! xo Elizabeth

  8. Happy Birthday!!!
    My son's b-day is October 30th,
    so I've always avoided any Halloween
    colors, themes, etc.
    Maybe when he's older, he'll
    decide to embrace it as part of
    his celebration, like you
    have with the Fourth.
    Lovely images, all!!!
    xx Suzanne

  9. Firstly, Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!
    I so agree with you. Martha is so talented at doing holidays. I adore the subtle blues volours in the above pictures. Have a lovely week, sweetie;-)


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