Sunday, August 8, 2010

Coffee With My Favorite Mad-Man!

Somehow, last Sunday I never got around to reading the paper. My husband was gathering the up old papers this morning and said " Oh, here...I saved this for you from last week.  THANK YOU, honey! In case you missed it too, there was a feature in Parade magazine of hunky Jon Hamm aka Don Draper!

So over coffee on the deck this morning, I spent some time getting to know Jon better.  Jon is only 39! I truly thought he was older...say 45.  He said so have a lot of casting directors and that's one reason it was hard to get parts when he was younger.....hmmmm.....were they blind!?  Anyway, sorry to tell you all.....he's taken. He has lived the last 13 years with the "love of his life." A beautiful woman named Jennifer.  I know...sigh! According to the article he can do a "wicked Valley Girl impression" and is quite the prankster on the set!  Who would have guessed? He is also an "obsessed" sports fan having played football in high school. He currently plays tennis and he says he carries his baseball equipment in his car-just in case.  Jon by all means stop by to play anytime! Or we will take you to a Nats of Orioles game if you prefer!!!

Fans of the show.....have you noticed how dark and drab Don Draper's rented furniture is in his new bachelor apartment? I think he needs the fantastic Petrie chair from Crate & Barrel.  And, we all know what a cad he you can convince him to sit awhile and chat.  Looks to me like there is plenty of room for two! Oh, and if you're a Mad-Men junkie, head on over to for a quiz!

Images from Parade magazine and A&A.


  1. I'm falling head over orange chair for this hunk-y guy ...

    might have to stalk him if he's in the windy city any time soon ...

  2. I swoon- over both the man and that divine chair!

  3. What a riot. Love the chair, too.

  4. Don't watch that show, but he is easy on the eyes isn't he.

  5. Am counting the minutes until my Mad Men obsession is satiated tonight. LOVE John Hamm as DD!!!! Best show out there! xo Elizabeth

  6. Yes, he is dreamy! And he seemed pretty versatile when he hosted Saturday Night Live!

  7. Love the that man! Last year I had tivo'd an interview Oprah had done with the whole cast, and was left with the impression that Jon Hamm is nothing like his character in real life...thereby making him such a talented actor in my eyes!xx

  8. Oh, that Dashing Don Draper. It's got to be THE best show on the tube.

  9. You and I have
    similar taste in
    men ~ I remember
    your fabulous post
    about Gerard Butler,
    another one of my
    faves!!! I just adore
    Jon Hamm and am
    totally addicted to
    Mad Men...fantastic
    show. Love your chair
    suggestion : )!!
    xx Suzanne

  10. Gosh I can see I need to check out Mad Men. Have missed the fun and handsomeness!

  11. I don't care there's a 15 year age difference between Jon & myself, when you have chemistry like we do (it's just that he doesn't quite know it just yet), what does it matter!! Series 3 starts here in Australia this Sunday night & I'm counting the seconds. Why is DD living in a bachelor pad? Do tell.
    Millie ^_^

  12. He's one of my favorites. Did you ever see him on 30 Rock? He's great at comedy too! Oh and nice chair!

  13. He's got the mysterious, sexy, complicated man that all women feel a need to save down the show that is.

  14. He is a very handsome man and I think I like watching the show so much just to see him! ; )


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