Monday, October 4, 2010

Time Traveler

Sometimes, I think I was meant to live in another time and place. One where technology was an unknown term, conversations were the most desirable from of entertainment, and being cordial was as essential as breathing.  A place where brick, stone, lush grass and moss provided the perfect scenic backdrop for your travels on any given day.

I was able to step back in time for three extraordinary days...

Family weekend at my son's college... 

It was a beautiful moment in time

All photos courtesy of A&A and may not be copied or reproduced.


  1. How fun, your son's college is so scenic and you clearly had amazing weather. Love these photos!

  2. Where is this? Looks like New England somewhere?

  3. Charm and more charm. And, how sweet to be at his college. Different phase, different place. Same love.

  4. Maybe Williamsburg?? It was a beautiful weekend for a being outside, hope you two had a great time, I always loved a family visit! *Amy

  5. Such a perfect setting for scholarly learning... and daydreaming under those trees!

  6. Don't you just love visiting there! Did you get bread ends from the cheese shop?! Oh, I'm so jealous.

    Kat :)

    P.S. Our daughter graduated from there too!

  7. I love it there. I'll be scheduling another visit for us soon. Its been years for me and my kids haven't been since they were tiny.

  8. Makes me want to go back to school. What a beautiful campus. The architecture is amazing. I love the moss on the roof and all the cobblestone and brick. Just beautiful.

  9. Did I ever tell you
    that I almost went there?
    The romantic in me is
    also drawn to the past....
    What a wonderful place
    to learn, study and grow!
    Bet you had such a wonderful
    time seeing your son and
    being together : )
    xx Suzanne

  10. I almost went there myself but ended up at W&L which is equally as idyllic (to me). I sometimes dream of going back and becoming a finance professor. Or maybe convincing my hubby to become a professor and let me just enjoy the slower pace of life with my kiddos! Not going to happen but I do dream...

  11. Absolutely beautiful! I definitely wouldn't have mind studying there!

  12. if i could be granted only one wish...
    it would be to travel back in time.

    it hasn't happened yet, but i keep wishing.

  13. Wow! What a gorgeous campus! Wherever it is, its tranquility makes it a rare gem.

  14. Heavenly!! Looks like you had a great visit. How fun to "step back in time"!

  15. Looks like William & Mary...don't you just love Williamsburg? Thanks for sharing!


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