Sunday, November 7, 2010


Our wedding took place on  a beautiful autumn day 23 years ago.  The following day we boarded a plane for the US Virgin Islands. If you are a Washingtonian, do you recall the strange thing that happened a few days later? While we basked in the sun, we later found out some of you had to pull your boots on to deal with a bit of unexpected snow!

Arriving at the reception relaxed & happy after a few glasses of champagne!

For anyone who has been in a great relationship for a long time, I think you may agree that there are few things more rewarding. It is both a gift and a privilege to love and be loved and share your life with someone special. Somehow over time you do become one in ways that are impossible to list or put into words.

The two shall become one. November 7,1987

This includes doing wacky things like giving each other the same anniversary card! Upon lifting the envelope flap to reveal the front of the card, I realized immediately we both had the same confused expression. It was only after reading the inside of our cards that laughter gave way when we realized what had occurred!

His & Hers 2010 Anniversary cards!

This also happens to be my 100th post! It's hard to believe I've sat in front of my computer screen clicking away on the keyboard 100 times to share information, a project, a tip, show something beautiful, or have a conversation about design. Lately, I've had some computer problems and I appreciate every one who took a moment to email me to say they could not comment because of  "malware" notices. A computer expert has since determined the cause and so I've had to delete the related blog sources and links to them in order to get things working again.  They were all blogs that were in a "dormant" state, but it pained me nevertheless as some were favorite bloggers and friends. I hope everyone understands and I look forward to the next 100 posts!


All photos courtesy of A&A and may not be copied or reproduced.


  1. Rebecca Happy Anniversary you look so beautiful!!

    Also on your 100th Post I love your site!

    Art by Karena

  2. Happy anniversary Rebecca, you were a beautiful couple on your wedding day!!
    Also, congrats on 100 post!! It gets here sooner than we realize doesn't it?
    I for one have truly enjoyed your blog and I know others will agree. Have a wonderful day today, Kathysue

  3. Happy anniversary - you two look like Barbie and Ken! It is a beautiful post! Continued happiness to you both!

  4. Happy Anniversary! We'll have our 23rd anniversary the 5th of next month. 1987 was indeed a very good year! Also, a big congratulations on your 100th post. That's a very big deal. And on the computer problems, I think we just need to get together and talk. Mine was completely down for a week. I'm glad you got your problems resolved. That is sooo frustrating. Love your blog. Enjoy your special day! Mona

  5. Happy anniversary and 100th post, Rebecca! You look simply beautiful in those pictures!

    My husband and I went to St Thomas and St John for our honeymoon - a beautiful place with wonderful memories!

    Enjoy your special day!!!
    ~ Elizabeth

  6. Happy Anniversary and congratualtions on your 100th post! How nice to have two very special celebrations happening all at once.

    You were the epitomy of a beautiful bride...and your groom looked pretty good too!
    xo J~

  7. Congratulations for your anniversary, I know what you mean about identical husband and I have given identical gifts on three or four occasions over the last 33 years!
    100 posts, a great acheivement...keep up the good work ;o)

  8. That right there is a whole lot of celebrating. I hope the sentiments were heartfelt, the gifts were unexpected delights, and the master suite saw some fireworks. ;)

  9. Happy Anniversary, you both look so happy in your wedding photos! You are right, when a relationship works it's a love like no other!

    Congrats also on your 100th post, I look forward to reading the next 100!!

    Kat :)

  10. Congratulations on your Anniversary!! What great photos!! I love that you two are still celebrating, cheers to many more happy years! *Amy

  11. congratluations and too cute about the cards!!

  12. Rebecca, a huge congratulations on your wedded bliss - great photos and happy anniversary!!! So funny about the card. Great minds indeed.
    Happy 100th too! You don't look a day over 30.
    xo Terri

  13. Awww, your wedding photos are the sweetest! Happy, happy Anniversary! And congrats on's to a million more! (with great sadness I too had to delete a beloved I added Holding Forth to compensate).

  14. Happy anniversary to you and your hubby. You two are gorgeous, and obviously soul mates. Too funny about the matching cards!
    Congratulations on your 100th post too.

  15. Happy anniversary! Congratulations on your 100th post! I hope this week is just as wonderful.

  16. Happy anniversary!! I love the story of you guys getting the same cards! priceless!! What a good card!

  17. HAPPY Anniversary,
    Rebecca! What an
    adorable couple you
    were and I'm sure
    still ARE : )! Mr.
    P and I celebrated
    24 years in September.
    Love the cards ~
    reminded me of something
    we would give....and do.
    xx Suzanne

  18. Congratulations on both counts!!!

    It is inspiring it is to see a truly happy couple with a wonderful long marriage-- it gives us semi-newbies so much hope!

    I love the anniversary cards!

  19. Wowsers Girl....2 fabulous milestones....Blessings!

  20. Congratations! You look like such a beautiful/handsome couple. Love the cards. Congrats on your 100th post! Sorry I'm delayed. I love reading your blog and look forward to the next 100! xo


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