Thursday, November 18, 2010

Michael Aram's Perfect Gifts

I spent today on the run trying to get a few more things knocked off my list. I took a little detour  through Nieman Marcus. It was suppose to be a quick spin. It turned into an hour of gazing, touching, and fantasizing. That all turned into a crush. Meet Michael Aram!

Maybe you've already heard of him. Not me. But the minute I saw this beautiful menorah in the store, I started to connect the dots.  Raina of  If The Lampshade Fits did a "One Dozen Magnificent Menorahs" post recently and I declared this one as my favorite:

When I got home, I jumped on the computer and spent another hour looking at everything on his website! Serious crush. I know I said I don't want to push Christmas, but my evening is going to be spent writing about my crush.

Dearest Santa,
I have been the best girl ever!  You must know I would never make anything up that wasn't absolutely true. Okay, maybe there was a moment or two when I could have been better...done better, but I hope you will forgive me and not put me on that other list!  Anyway, I found several pretty, shiny things that someone very talented created. I really like them all. I would be so very appreciative if you could find room in your sack for just one. There will be room under my tree and I'm attaching some pictures for you to see!!!

 The attachment...

Pear S&P Shakers

Double Nut Bowl

Magnolia Candle

Glass Pomegranate Bowl

Ice Cream Cooler


 To gather ideas for your own letter to Santa, click here to get started!


  1. Wow, these are all wonder you have a crush! I hope you make the "nice" list and get at least one of these beautiful creations!

    Kat :)

  2. Very nice indeed. And not only that, but what a head of hair he has!

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS. I'm adding these to my Xmas list, too. :) (After all, I'd LOVE to get something that was totally unrelated to baby!)

  4. Oh,my,how lovely! The pieces are nice too!

  5. I remember when I first saw his work at a trade show years ago and just loved it..........very special pieces and he stays close to his original vision. Happy weekend and I hope Santa brings a few of these lovely pieces. XO

  6. Those salt and pepper shakers...I NEED those! Love!

  7. Ah, Rebecca, another
    one of our tall dark
    and handsome men....
    Oh, wait, we are
    supposed to be talking
    about his work : ) !!
    Gorgeous. {The work!}
    Off to see more...
    xx Suzanne

  8. Fabulous menorah!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I'm sure Santa has enough room in his sack for one of these beauties! Now just remember to be very, very good until Christmas! ;)

  10. So many lovely things to drool over here!
    I am hoping that 'Santa' hears your plea.. :)
    xx Charlotta

  11. I have really liked Michael Aram's wares for some time now, but was recently riveted when I realized what a hunk he is! Hope you get your heart's desire!

  12. That letter to Santa was sooooo cute...put a huge smile on my face! You have been a very good girl with great posts! Santa you better listen!
    xx Danielle

  13. You were not kidding when you said pretty shiny things. Love them all especially the icecream freezer. Looks like a perfect gift list to me. Thanks for sharing I am always looking for new ideas, this is a great one, Kathysue

  14. I love Michael Aram's things! I have a wonderful little twig shaped hors d'oeuvres set (fork, spoon and knife) that I've had for years and makes me smile every time I pull it out of its chic little burlap case. You wrote a very appealing note to Santa that I'm sure he will respond to in a generous fashion!

  15. I love his work. My girlfriend has been carrying his merchandise for over 10 years in her shop. I have a few of his pieces and I love his bowls and decorative items. I have a little secret. I found three or four of his pieces in Home Goods. Yes, for under $20.00 - I bought every piece and used them as gifts most of these retailed for over $120.00 to $200.00. Of course, I kept some of his platters for me. I know I shouldn't tell but can't resist sharing. Hope you get exactly what you want from Santa. xo


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