Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nature's Perfect Ornaments!

I love pinecones! I have never had a Christmas or gone through winter without them. I think they truly are the most perfect of all holiday decorations.  Place them in an interesting bowl as a centerpiece on a dining or coffee table, pile them in a planter with birch branches for a natural look, or add greens and shiny baubles for a festive and even elegant twist. No matter what your style is, they always work with any budget and look beautiful!

Mixed with cedar, shiny red finials and garland...

on the living room mantle.

Tiny specimans with an acorn ornament...

in the powder room.

On the hearth in a old copper planter....

showing off a great leg on a favorite container! 

 And of course I think these are perfect too!


  1. I agree, pinecones are great Christmas decor. I actually have them around all year!

  2. i have always liked pinecones in deocrating too they work perfect in any style of decorating

  3. I love natural elements -especially pine cones and greens - when decorating.

  4. Lovely! Have you ever seen those massive pine cones down south? They are so huge, I don't even know how you would decorate with them. xxDanielle

  5. You had me at
    fresh cedar.....
    Mixed with pine cones,
    it's a blissful combo!
    I also think that
    the pine cones would
    look great with your
    glittered nuts : )
    Great pics!
    xx Suzanne

  6. Your house and mine could be sistah's...I have pine cones and greenery a plenty! I have been using a lot of magnolia leaves mixed in as well. Great minds think alike! : )

  7. I love using natural elements. The pincones, the nuts, the greens. That's really all you need. Simple and elegant!

  8. So the greenery as well. Coveting your acorn ornament, so sweet!

  9. Love the simplicity of greens mixed with pine cones. I just did my post and now I'm thinking tray needs some greens with the pine cones. Ok I might need to go to home depot and find some scraps. LOL! Love them.

  10. I actually use pinecones year-round, but especially at this time. They always add a touch of coziness and charm...Your arrangements are just gorgeous!


  11. Oh me too - just love acorns! And I'm not normally too glitzy but they look fabulous spray painted as well!

  12. I adore then teeniest of pinecones, and I loved your visuals, especially when I came to the last one! Who as a child hasn't put the top of an acorn on the tip of their finger and made a little hat!

  13. Love pine cones as well. Like you, it's just not Christmas without them.

  14. you are so right!!They are a perfect Christmas/winter touch. They really are quite amazing when you stop to look at them. Very sculptural in their own right,Kathysue


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