Monday, December 6, 2010

Sleigh Ride!

On Friday, Mr. A&A announced he was taking the day off and I didn't have anything pressing, so down the road we headed, a bit into the country to scour around one of our favorite places. The Old Lucketts Store. The OLS has been around about 15 years and is in a big green building located in what used to be an old post office. About 5 years ago the owner Suzanne purchased the nearby white house and turned it into the Design House, which is open the first weekend of every month. This past weekend was their Holiday Open House event.

The Design House is in the background

I have so many things from furniture to accessories to Christmas ornaments that I have purchased over the years, some from that very first year, from the many vender's who occupy space here. This includes the Beekeeper's Cottage that sits in an old yellow house between these two buildings. If you are ever in the area, make a point to stop in the tiny town of Lucketts, especially if you love junking or thrifting, I can almost guarantee you will find something unique or interesting at a great price!

Later this week I'll show you what I purchased and a few more pictures of their amazing wares and holiday displays!


  1. Loving those old toboggans, they would be great to decorate with or even use. I have never been tobagganing and it is on my list this winter, so I think I will hunt out an old one and do it with style

  2. Still laughing about your
    last post....Okay....hold
    on.....! Now, THIS looks
    like my kind of place and sale.
    Just put out my vintage sled
    trimmed with greens on our
    front porch, yesterday and it
    really makes me smile to think
    of the little ones who used it
    at one time....wondering where
    they are or how old??? Looking
    forward to seeing your treasures : )
    xx Suzanne

  3. Love the old sleds..never used them as a kid because I flipped off them a few times and boy they hurt when you flip off. I ended up sticking to my plastic saucers. What a blast - haven't gone sledding in years. I want that red one for my front porch. Love it.

  4. Oh I have my old Flexible Flyer in the basement!! I love Privet and Holly's idea of putting it outside decorated - great idea. And this looks like a great place!!

  5. I love the sound of this Design House! Sounds like such a great place...can't wait to see what you bought. Loving these wooden sleighs...would love to hang one on the wall in Vermont!:)

  6. David,
    Go! One is never to old for this kind of fun.

    P&H, P&F and Q,
    I've used an old sleigh on the porch nearly every year at Christmastime. I should have included a picture here, but you can find it in an April post called "Birthday Wishes to My Favorite Child"! I hope you both find one, they are such a nostalgic way to decorate.

    You absolutely do!!!

  7. What a fun place! Wish I lived closer to experience it.

  8. I have always wanted to go to Lucketts and have been within throwing distance and still never made it! I must get there one of these days!! I can't wait to see what else you bought! I have been wanting an old sled, but haven't found just the right one yet!

    Kat :)


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