Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year, New Look!

I mentioned at the end of 2010, that after more than a year of blogging, I thought my blog needed an update. I was bored with the look and I really didn't think it reflected my style. Well as you can see, I can check that off the to-do list!

My new look was created by Shari of Little Blue Deer. It was such a fun and insightful experience to be "the client" and collaborate with her on this project. I had several ideas about the look I wanted to reflect my personal style and design ideas, but with no tech skills whatsoever, I knew I needed a pro to execute my blog's makeover. After just a few email sessions (it was just like e-decorating) with Shari, she got me...and the new look started to come together very quickly. There may be a tiny bit of tweaking needed and I still have a few things to finish, but I'm thrilled with the outcome!

It really got me thinking about the relationships between designers and clients. When ideas are flowing, the communication is good, budgets/prices clearly outlined, personalities well matched, and there is trust in the skills of the person you have chosen to work with, design is just so easy and rewarding. So, if you've been procrastinating on making a call or working with someone on a project... JUST DO IT!


  1. What a beautiful look! Congratulations on the transformation. I look forward to visiting again soon!

  2. stunning.
    as soon as the page started to load, i said; " oh my ....look at this!! "
    the place is looking pretty fancy.
    and i love the little gold acorn next to your signature.

  3. *looks around*

    I like what you did with the place.


  4. R, I knew you were making some changes to your blog, but wow, it looks amazing! I so need to do this with my own blog. And I'm glad you were able to find a kindred spirit in Shari and that she was able to bring your vision to such lovely fruition, congrats!

    Kat :)

  5. Rebecca, I love it, and I have had the same top of my list to Shari and get it done!

    Do come and join my new amazing giveaway by Splenderosa!

    Art by Karena

  6. This looks amazing, just promise you will still talk about aqua and peacock blue!

  7. Looks fabulous Rebecca! Shari is truly amazing. And so true about designers and clients - it's like the sweet spot in sports - when you hit it right it feels great!

  8. I have always loved acorns! Just something about them and used t amass piles of them as a child like a squirrel! Love the new look!

  9. I know exactly how you feel....I had some highlights and my hair stylist told me, "Well you were due for a lift!" I guess, we all need changes, new styles and colors to lift us up!
    I am feeling inspired to change up my blog....
    Great new look.

  10. Rebecca,
    I love love love love it. Funny, I was just working with the girl who did mine and I we changed the colors of Peggy & Fritz and I'm in the process of editing a few things so I have it freshened up. I am stuggling with blog templates because my photos do not come out large. Do you know what template this one is that you used. It's the exact size I want and I want to keep my white background. All the ones I play with have an outline and I don't want an outline. Will you ask the girl who did yours an email me at Peggy & Fritz. I love the logo and clean font. What a way to start the year. Love it.

  11. Shari did a great job! Hope your week is a good one. xx

  12. I like the new look! I've been hoping to do the same with mine as well. Congrats!

  13. Oh, look at you!!!! Love the updated A&A. Shari is a dream designer to work with. Not only is her finished product just amazing, she is so fun to work with.

    Loving the little acorn with your signature!!!
    xo e

  14. Wow...Shari did an amazing job! Your new look is both beautiful and elegant. Well done you two!
    xo J~

  15. Very nice and crisp new look!!!
    Don't you love a refresh?
    xo Terri

  16. Love the new look - beautiful! Lindley

  17. I am a regular reader and I think your new look is incredible! Sadly,others will try to copy it. I have recently seen a blog with posts called "tuesday treats". I guess it's just easier to take from others. Best wishes for continued success of original content!

  18. Your new look is fab, Rebecca! Very alive and professional. Shari always does a great job and is certainly a pleasure to work with.

    Have fun with it!


  19. Rebecca I need to contact her. I love love your new look, so stylish and chic just like YOU!!! Kathysue

  20. The look is fantastic! So you. Isn't Shari amazing?

  21. Holy Awesomeness! LOVE what you two have cooked up! That little gold acorn is the best!

  22. Wow...your new look is gorgeously rich looking! Its warm, inviting and grand at the same did a fabulous job! Makes me want to change my background to hot pink or something more decadent! Hope all has been well! xx Danielle

  23. Very sharp. Love the golden acorn..

  24. Love your new blog design. The gold suits you.

    Judy :)

  25. Lovely new look. Regal. Elegant. European.


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