Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday Tip

I've been in the closet...far longer than I had planned. Time to come out. The dust was bad. So were some of the shoes and tops. Okay, maybe not bad, but completey unneeded and totally neglected.

Shoes being donated.

These fell into the same category.

Yes, I hang up casual tops and even some t-shirts.
 A small section...color coded...of course!
Extra hangers, so exciting! Shopping anyone?
 Yesterday, I looked in the master closet and a few things were starting to irk me. Specifically, our current method of shoe storage. Flats and men's shoes slide off the stainless steel shoe racks and either end up on the carpet or fall behind the stupid racks and make marks on the walls. They gotta go.

Goodbye stupid storage, sorry our time together was brief.
 Even with your abilty to expand, I still hate you.

I purchased a dozen tweed shoe boxes with a drop-down magnetic window (from Container Store) last year for my good shoes. They were the same storage boxes that I had just used a total of 30 for a client's closet project last year (and yes this is another one of those questions I get..."Are you ever going to show the after?" and the short answer is I don't know. The day I wrapped up I forgot my camera and just never got back to do after pictures...sorry...for me too, because I was so happy with the outcome!) So what started as a quick sweep of our closet has finally yielded an end to the annoying shoe issue. I will need to purchase more shoe storage boxes to complete this and I plan to use them for most of my shoes. I cleared 2 lower shelves for boots and my husband's shoes. But at least now I know the system, what will work, and that means completion is attainable!

Hello handsome tweed storage!
 So what exactly is my tip today? Figure out what's not working in a specific area (closet, drawer, pantry etc...) and do something to fix it! A key part of accomplishing this will be to not to get hung up what you paid for a non-performing item or how long you've had it. If it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work!


  1. There is almost nothing more satisfying than a perfectly organized closet. Those tweed boxes are so great!

  2. And you're visiting Staffordshire UK when? I could do with your help!

  3. when my house is clean, and my closet is organized all is right with the world. i have always been that way, i just feel i can handle anything if those two areas in my life are in order.

  4. I love your pragmatic take charge approach! With great solutions to boot!

  5. Loving the show boxes. My closet is so unorganised mainly because the main man is not

  6. Great tip, and one I need to heed! I really do need to do something about the overflowing shoes in my closet, it's bad! Your tweed boxes are a wonderful idea!

    Kat :)

  7. Nothing nicer than a closet under control! Delicious solutions, ready for spring...

  8. My new mantra....."If in doubt, throw it out!" I am in a cleaning out phase and letting go of clothes and more. Feeling lighter already.

    xo Elizabeth

  9. did you see my cool shoe storage unit? it's actually an old document file. the 30 drawers are each 12x9x3 and fit a pair of shoes perfectly. the best thing is that the footprint of the piece is 12 inches deep and 27 inches wide!

  10. Uh...you don't want to see my closet. I think you would be so frightened that you may never talk to me again ;)!

  11. Shoe storage is such a great idea! I found a website called howardsstorageworld.com which has a whole range of shoe storage too! The best ones were clear shoe drawers which stack up so you can see all the shoes! Perfect for trying to get that sex and the city style wardrobe!

  12. A clean and organized closet space: good karma.

  13. I love that you can actually see the shoes! If these are your bad shoes...any chance you will show the whole closet? I am betting the rest is fantastic too.

  14. Those tweed boxes are great and I color coordinate my clothes too.

  15. I think I just
    fell in love with
    a shoe box. Seriously.
    Head over heels : )
    I'm checking into these,
    stat. Thanks for the
    kick in the pants {closet
    humor}. Mine is begging
    for attention and you've
    inspired me....thanks!
    xx Suzanne

  16. I love your mantra, Just do something! That will be my inspiration in the morning!

  17. I finally got rid of all my shoe boxes and went with the drop down canvas shoe holders that hook onto the rod. They work perfectly, not as pretty as your boxes but definitely space saving. I have been in my office the past 3 days, going through files, purging, reorganizing, etc. Then a total office re-do!

  18. Hey Rebecca...I am passing on the stylish blogger award to you. I am totally new to all of this. Thanks for all of your inspiration to organize..I need it! And check out my post today to see what I mean! Hope you are staying warm! xx Danielle

  19. Cleaning your closet is always the best feeling!

  20. I am totally the type to put up with something that I don't like or that doesn't work either because of what I paid for it or someone gave it to me! And after reading that last sentence, I realize how ridiculous it is to do it,so glad I found your blog!!!

  21. I need to take charge and part ways with some inefficient sorts myself.

  22. My closet in VA was immaculate b/c our house was on the market. Now that we've moved the master closet is the only room in the house with a few boxes and it is driving me crazy. Add to that that the previous owner remodeled the closet and master bath to be beautiful but totally NOT functional is irritating me. Dealing with this is high on our upcoming remodeling "to-dos." PS--I hang and color code down to my T-shirts and pajamas and it feels so good when a closet is totally organized!

  23. Great advice and your new shoe storage is so chic!


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