Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday Tip

Can you perfectly fold a shirt or sweater? Me either.  My husband is pretty good at folding and organizing. Actually, really good. I fell in love with his closet, before I really knew him.  I mentioned how we met here.

I went to that party. My roommate went with me. The location: bachelor apartment for two. Guests: new friends, old friends and an assortment of single woman. Some of whom don't mind their manners, especially when they drink. During the party my friend wandered into the bedroom of our host, dragging me by the hand with her...where...much to my horror, she opened the closet doors! Full disclosure, I looked. Gawked actually. It was a beautiful site. Suits perfectly hung, freshly pressed shirts hung by color, shoes organized the same way, t-shirts and sweaters looked like colorful packages lining the single shelf. She had a little crush on our host. I was interested too, but thought he was dating someone else. She looked at me, rolled her eyes said "you two are perfect for each other." Turns out we were.

Our host, now know as Mr. A&A, and his roommate way back in those bachelor days were known for throwing great parties and their invitations drew big crowds. They were also aware of deplorable behavior by certain types (those looking to confirm availability) of women, as demonstrated by my roommate. They always had a surprise or two for such types. At this particular party, they had lined the medicine cabinets with ball bearings. In the middle of the party those of us in the hallway of the apartment heard the strangest noise, even over the loud music playing. The pranksters and their buddies knew immediately what had happened and rushed to the site to revel in their victorious effort. As predicted, a woman had succumbed to her nosy ways and locked herself in the bathroom upon realizing the imminent humiliation that awaited her. When she surfaced red faced, her exit was swift. Her future invitations...lost in the mail.

So don't be a snoop and fold your shirts nice because you never know what can happen! For a little help, you can buy these folding boards here.


  1. Love this story!!! I am familiar with these boards, one of my sons got a board to be able to fold his shirts/sweaters more easily. I can seem to manage on my own. My hubby is a great towel folder, much better than myself!! We are lucky women in more ways than that!! Kathysue

  2. Wonderful, really wonderful story. And boy, what a great prank as the perpetrator had it coming. I worked at J Crew over the holidays. I don't want to see another folding board as long as I live / :

    Great post!!

  3. This is seriously funny! Give your husband two pats on the back. One for the prank and one for being a straight man with shelves that look like a store.

  4. How funny is this! I am always surprised at how curious guests can be in ones home! I fold pretty well, without the board!

  5. OOh what a delightful story. I love the ball bearings. that is so great. When you are old, is it too late to employ this trick? I should have looked in my husband's closets before I married him. Now we just have his and hers and I don't look.

  6. What a darling story! I don't think Dave ever folded a shirt (or hung one up for that matter!) before I met him!!

  7. AH!! What a card! That is SO funny with the ball bearings!!

  8. I love it! DOTR is a serious slob...I knew this before I married him (what could I do, he was so cute!). The joke in our family is that DOTR and his sister are the same person, so it's no surprise that my BIL and I exactly alike...neat freaks with the shoes lined up and the shirts arranged by color. Not that there's anything wrong with that ;-}

  9. Very funny!!!
    The perfect shirt folding is yet to come....

  10. Just LOVE this post!! What a great story! I'm actually pretty good at folding - my closet is quite neat - as opposed to my poor office that looks like the Collyer brothers live there - paper is the bane of my existence!!

  11. Neatly folding sweaters and laundry is not a strong suit of mine. I may need to go for one of these boards. My husband would probably love it! thanks.

  12. Funniest story ever!!!! I'll never think of ball bearings again the same way.

    I need that sweater/shirt folder. Have thought of getting one, as left to my own devices, things are a little less than perfect.

    This was a Tuesday Tip Plus!!!!
    xo Elizabeth

  13. I'm a good folder but they aren't always the same size after folded so the stack is whompy. That ball bearing prank is too funny! I don't get the snooping at someone else's home!

  14. Back in college I worked at Benneton for a semester, boy could I have used that board! AS to your husband, that prank is hilarious and the fact that he is not only "neat" but a great host with a quick sense of humor confirms that you two really are a perfect match!

  15. That was adorable! Now I'm wondering why in the world did I not look into my husbands closet!?! I have a feeling that if I had that I would have ran in the opposite direction...fast. To this day if I don't put his clothes away, they can stay on a chest, chair, dresser, hook, bathroom floor, closet door, office chair, office guest chair, dining chair...you name it, if it's clothes it can be hung pretty much everywhere in our home! Why oh why me? I will add that I still love him no matter what, I even love his incredible knack for finding new places to hang his clothes! heehee

  16. That sweater folder looks awesome. I am not a good folder but my sweet husband is.

  17. Too funny, I have to admit I am not a great folder and I am seriously straightening and purging closets one at a time!

    Art by Karena

  18. Never will understand the fascination with the ubiquitous medicine cabinet....but a perfectly folded closet....now we are talking...funny story.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. What a cute story and no I cannot fold neatly like that. Almost.

  20. Now that's a prank! How embarrassing, good thing there wasn't a bucket of something attached to the closet doors, your friend could have been covered in who knows what (glitter?).
    Mr.24 is a better folder that I but somehow I'm the one that always does the folding, no handy helper though...I wing it!
    xo J~

  21. haha - my best friend and I recently pulled that trick in his medicine cabinet by buying a bunch of pingpong balls for a party I helped him throw. We were so disappointed, no one snooped! We listened all night long to no avail.

  22. I LOVE this! Ha! Did any of Mr. A&A's ways rub off on your son? None of mine did!
    Sorry about all of the snow....it is just plain no fun at all unless you're off to the slopes!


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