Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Tip

Garanimals for grown-ups. Gentleman, specifically, today's tip is for you. But ladies don't click away just yet. I've mentioned in a post here and there that some refreshing was going on in the A&A master closet. I think if you want to have a beautiful start to your day, it definitely begins there.

As if we don't have enough collections in our home,  Mr. A&A has had a private one going on for sometime. Not really. As a matter of fact, I knew all about it and was totally fed up with the black & blue collection. It seems my husband has lost the ability to tell black from blue.  When he would get to a point he couldn't tell one sock from the next, he would buy more! An entire deep drawer became dedicated to the sock collection.

I gave up trying to separate them myself awhile ago and from time to time, I have seen him sporting a mismatched pair...and said nothing. Yes, occasionally, I am not a good wife. So when we were doing the little purge and using the beloved folding board, and making each shelf and drawer really beautiful, I came to a stop when I opened that drawer. I got a bag and dumped everything into it. Donated. Hopefully they will find their way to someone with good eyesight.

We went out shopping (Macy's) for new socks. I heart you Ralph Lauren for your brilliant attention to detail. Readers, just in case your not quite getting the exciting special feature of these socks, I'll explain. Each sock color has it's own little coordinating  polo pony color. They are strategically placed on the outside of each sock. So now when they come out of the laundry there will never again be the questions: what color is this and does it have a mate?

Ladies, may I suggest these for a Valentine's present. One that you both will love and that keeps on giving long after the chocolate is gone.

Images courtesy of Ralph Lauren and A&A


  1. Love the color coordinating aspect...very clever!

  2. My partner was exactly the same way. Black socks were black socks, and he could not tell any of them apart, so mismatched pairs were on his feet all the time. Until that is I bought black socks with different coloured tops!

  3. I have three, count 'em, THREE huge baskets of black, blue, etc. socks that need to find their mates. Then they need to find the goodwill and be replaced with these. We have a few pairs (3 boys) of these as I usually buy a 3 pk. nearly every time I go to the Polo outlet. DOTR is colorblind, so this is particularly helpful to him.

  4. Socks are the go-to stocking stuffer for my husband at Christmas. And Ralph Lauren is my go-to label because they have the best colors - never even noticed this fabulous feature because my husband has very neat drawers but it is certainly it a terrific bonus!

  5. I laughed until tears run down my cheeks, since The Same Drawer is upstairs in our bedroom. My husband even hoards the lost souls among his socks and waits for the better half to show up.....
    Yours above are great! Usually my mother -in -law still supplies the socks, I do not interfere!!!

  6. Valentine socks,lol. Many years ago when I was young, broke, and dating my husband we had a mountain of laundry to do and decided to do it all at once at the laundromat. It was Valentine's day it was romantic in that poor,tragic sort of way. We ended up with an inordinate number of socks with no mate or "Valentine" and ever since those singletons have been called "Valentine socks" in my house.

  7. Too funny! We were actually just saying that they should make a whole line of Garanimals clothing for engineers, hehe! I love the idea of matching the ponies to ensure having a matched pair every time! Hmm, I may have to go look at my husband's sock drawer...scary thought though!

    Kat :)

  8. 'bout time someone thought of that! thank you for clueing us in....smiles.

  9. That is to funny! But to be honest it makes sense since mens socks only seem to come in dark colors and sometimes they're hard to match. Great idea Rebecca!

  10. Great idea. As my eye site continues to decline I'm sure I'm sending Don off with mismatched socks.

  11. Rebecca, this is a great idea, I had to laugh about the deep drawer of socks. We have a white drawer and a drawer for all the colored socks. They do seem to be multiplying rapidly, just like little bunnies,Have a great day,Kathysue

  12. Grinning from
    ear to ear as
    you've just
    described MY
    hubby's sock
    drawer, too : )
    Now I know what
    to get him...
    xx Suzanne
    PS: My folding
    boards came on

  13. Oh, I so relate to and love this post. Off to Macy's tomorrow....for sure!

  14. I just realized I said Macy's(I was just there) when it was actually Lord & Taylor where the socks were purchased...so very sorry, but I wouldn't be surprised if Macy's has them too since they also carry plenty of RL!

  15. Looks nice. But i would appreciate more colours


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