Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Weekend Illusions

What is the best way to polish off your box of chocolates this weekend? On the sofa watching a good movie of course! May I suggest one of my favorite movies, The Illusionist. It came out in 2006 and stars Edward Norton as the turn of the century magician, Eisenheim. Paul Giamatti is an inspector and Jessica Biel plays a Duchess. I remember the first time we rented it and literally right after it was over, my husband turned to me and said "do you want to watch it again?"

This is not a chick flick or likely to be found on Cupid's list of cinematic recommendations. It's more of a mystery/drama, but has enough romance to make it quite suitable for Valentine's weekend. The movie, I think, is well-crafted and very stylish. It does takes great liberties with fantasy and illusion, but the acting by Giamatti, Norton and Rufus Sewell (who plays Crown Prince Leopold) should get you well past any criticisms. It takes place in Vienna, Austria and the sets and costumes are fantastic. The ending will likely leave you pondering the many twists and turns. Which is one reason, I'm glad we didn't see when it was released in theaters. If you've never seen it, start early, so you can enjoy a double feature!

Click here for a preview and have a great weekend!!!


  1. OK, after reading this I feel like I MUST watch this movie!:) Happy Weekend!

  2. Something I have been meaning to see! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Great suggestion - I absolutely love this movie. And you're right - better pay attention with this one!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Never saw it so will look forward to it this weekend as we are still recovering and in the movie zone over here. Happy weekend. XO

  5. Looks like something we would like. I will have to check it out. Have a great weekend. Mona

  6. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll add it to my list!

    Kat :)

  7. Thanks for the movie suggestion I'll have to pick it up tomorrow for tomorrow night the husband is taking me out tonight!

  8. Uuuum. Like your suggestion. Movie, chocolates, cozy cuddles and a fire. Perfection!

  9. I've never heard of this movie...thanks for the tip, it sounds perfect! We have stormy, crazy, movie watching weather right now to find it!
    xo J~

  10. I haven't seen it. I always lumped it in with 'The Prestige', with the wonderful Christian Bale...but then Edward Norton is equally talented I think....I'm going to have to watch this one I suppose:)

  11. Fabulous movie, as I saw it awhile back. Good suggestion for all.

  12. I never saw it so I guess I'll have to add it to my Netflix cue!


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