Thursday, March 17, 2011

Humorous Decorating!

We all see some pretty strange stuff from time to time in design. Some of it makes no sense and seems far too contrived.  And so often when I see the addition/placement of certain items in a room, my first thought is "c'mon, really?" But, every once in awhile, I see something that makes me laugh. You likely won't see these items make their way into my house, but if they're in yours...I promise we can still be friends!

These two images I found yesterday In Canadian House & Home. I think what made them so amusing is that they seem authentic in these spaces at first glance!

Perhaps this green puppy is the new mod take on the sheep stool?

I wonder if this Gnomeo has a Juliet?

The weather is suppose to be perfect for a walk along the Potomac River's only a few short miles from my house...wanna go?

It's possible I've had too much java pulsing through my veins this morning, please forgive me and...

VOTE! Circle of Moms is looking to find and rank the top 25 Home Design Blogs written by moms. I am thrilled to have A&A considered among this group of wonderful blogs! Please click here and then just click on the thumbs up to support A&A. You can vote once per day until Monday at midnight. Thanks so much!


  1. I have a silly butler stand/tray from bombay company that always gets a laugh or comment from guests. I love it, call him Jeeves.
    That said _I loved the movie gnomio and juliet!

  2. Those are so funny! Keeping our sense of humor in every day life is key to a happy life.

    Those gnomes do make me smile!
    xoxo e

  3. Fun and I think my Dylan dog would enjoy the green puppy…lol. Love the room in the second image but the gnome has to go. You have quite the eagle eye I would have never spotted the gnome. You have my vote and good luck!

  4. I love a touch of whimsy but I am with you on this one for sure, there is whimsy and then there is silly,fun post, made me smile, now I must go and give you a vote, Congrats!!! Kathysue

  5. I have to say I think the gnomes are hysterical!! Do you remember that coffee table book all about gnomes?

  6. Marching off to
    vote, gnome in
    hand ~ ha! Thanks
    for the smiles...
    always : )
    xx Suzanne

  7. AD,
    I remember the butler from kids were always facinated with him and once asked if we could bring him home. They've also asked for one of those life sized black bears holding a tray!

    I must confess, my daughter has a Golden Retriever stool in her room and we don't bring it downstairs because our "real" dog, also a golden, thinks it's a friend and tries to play with it. No doubt a gnome on the floor would become a chew toy!

    I was not aware of this book, but I definately want to see funny!

    Thank you everyone who voted!!!

  8. Hola Rebecca, so much beauty and inspiration here in your beautiful blog... much needed these days!!!
    Thank you for your concern about us here in Chile after the tragedy in Japan... yes, it touched so much everybody here after same tragedy we lived one year ago.
    much hugs to you

  9. I love a dose of humor! Nothing should be taken too serious, especially HIGH DESIGN!

  10. During these times laughter IS the best medicine!! We all can use more of it! Gnomio!

    Come and enter to win my Springtime Gift for Bath & Body.

    Art by Karena

  11. I love funny little element in design! Good luck! xx Danielle

  12. Just voted! Love the second image with the gnome...I would so do that!
    xo J~

  13. I could do about 20 posts on humorous decorating in the town of Winston Salem. It seems to be required in this neck of the woods. Serious decorating is way out here. I think its why I love living here. Market starts soon, and we'll see if the neo mod look is still gathering steam. Come by for our giveaway!!

  14. I love it when humour and design come together. It's so important not to take oneself too seriously.

    Fun post my friend.

    x Charlotta


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