Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday Tip

These are the mini versions of my favorite scented soap.
 Scented sheets and towels on the cheap! This tip was discovered by accident.  I love to spray my sheets with a  linen spray, especially in the spring and summer. But sometimes I run out or can't find a scent that I want to sleep with!

Currently our main linen closet has that awful vinyl coated stuff that makes everything "ribbed" if you don't put paper down first. It's on the "to do" list that includes installing the same shelving that we've put in some of the other closets. In the meantime, I tolerate the fact I don't have enough room to put things exactly where I want them.

Slip soaps between towels and sheets....especially pillowcases!

In the crowded closet, the pillow cases have found there way on top of the soap basket. And, guess what? They smell so good! Literally everything even close to them smells like fresh laundry! So, I thought if Dove can make the linens smell this good, what about some of my favorite soaps slipped in between towels too? Try it with your favorite soap!


  1. What a great idea...love the smell of fresh linens in the Spring!!

  2. Great idea! And I love those Porto soaps - just finished a box I received as a Xmas gift - lovely!!

  3. My Mom has soap in just about every draw in the house - but she uses it to keep the moths away! (Still makes the linens smell good though).

  4. My mother-in-law gave me some of the Porto soaps once as a gift, loved them, maybe she was trying to tell me something....lol. Great tip Rebecca!

  5. Wonderful Idea...thanks for that!

    xo kelley

  6. I have scented soaps in with my socks...good idea to put them in with the towels.

  7. Claus Porto soaps are one of my all time favourites! I also put soap in with my clothes until I am ready to use it

  8. Over the weekend, between my 2 trips, I just had to clean out the pantry and fill bags to donate. Now you've inspired me to get the linen closet in order when I return. Isn't it funny how we naturally go into Spring cleaning mode?

    Next up, getting the windows washed!!

  9. I love opening the linen closet doors and smelling fresh soaps!

  10. ...And here I pegged you as the type that would sleep with just any ole' scent that came along. Learn something new everyday.


  11. If you ever open up a b & b, I would stay there in a nano-second!
    You are always inspiring with your pretty soaps, linens and scents.
    All so fresh and pleasing to my senses.

  12. I love great fragrances in a linen closet and bathroom. They make a big difference in a well designed home.

  13. Nothing like a great smelling soap. My favorites are Mistal which I use religiuously but I will have to check these out and see what they are all about....

  14. Great little luxury. It really is just the little things like this that make us fel so special. Thanks for sharing. Mona

  15. I store our soap
    in with the towels,
    too. I love it, Mr.
    P, not so much, for
    some reason. Maybe
    if I used Old Spice
    soap on a rope??
    Always love your T.T.,
    xx Suzanne

  16. I have been slipping my scented soaps in between my bras and undies for years.


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