Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Agenda...


My tea selections are a bit limited, but I think there are two good choices for tomorrow's big event across the pond.
 Begin preparations for tomorrow's Royal Wedding.
  • Get manicure and pedicure.
  • Check tea supply.
  • Dash out to pick up scones.
  • Take a long hot shower and put on my outfit. AKA my good PJ's
  • Set my alarm for 4 am.
  • Ponder which style hat goes with my outfit and hopefully drift off to sleep early.

Dream about these and wake up starving.


4:00 am alarm goes off. I predict groaning at the notion I will loose 2 hours of precious sleep, but then remember why and cheerfully get up. Check my outfit. I am betting it's a bit rumpled, but nothing a robe can't cure. I probably just need a hat....right? Here are a few favorite choices from the bride-to-be:

    Hat #1
    Hat #2. 
    Hat #3. Kate looks great in all of them, but this is my favorite!
  • 4:15am put the kettle on for tea, of course! English Breakfast or Prince of Wales?
  • Pop scones in the oven and whip up some cream, American time for clotted.
  • Serve on something pretty with a linen napkin, it's a festive occasion afterall!
  • Cozy up in favorite chair and watch television all morning and remember to say...

Congratulations William & Catherine!!!


  1. Wonderful! I am a stout royalist and our book club decided to make it an event. We are going to get together at 5: 30 AM and have scones and tea to watch it all unfold!

  2. I am really enjoying all the royal hubbub. Sadly, the wedding comes on at 2am here, so I will be watching reruns! Wish I could watch it with you and enjoy some scones and a nice cup of Earl Grey. :)
    xo Terri

  3. I'm more of an espresso kind of gal but love scones. I normally get up between four and five so here's hoping I wake early and I want to wear the first hat please!

  4. Even though I have every intention of getting up at 4am, I am not sure I will be able to!

  5. I will be clicking tea cups with you virtually my friend! Cheers!

    Kat :)

  6. Victoria,
    That's such a great idea, bet it was fun!

    It was so beautiful, I too look forward to re-runs on my DVR and the news.

    AO & Kat,
    Started out with tea...cheers to you both! Now I'm moving on to strong coffee before I head out for the day.

    I made the 4am wake up call shockingly easy!!! Did you?

  7. I woke up in time to see her in the car with her father. So, went back to watch hours 4-6am this afternoon. Loved every single beautiful moment. You can see the real love they share.....I think they will have a long and happy marraige!!! Next up....that darling Prince Harry!


  8. Wasn't it so exciting to watch? I truly enjoyed every second! Loved reading about your preparations.

  9. My morning was the same minus tea and scones! I had good strong coffee and 2 breakfasts by 10:00 am! Ha! It was too early for the dog, she went back to bed!

  10. I am trying to catch up around the blogosphere today as last week was a whirlwind!! Love your plans for the royal day. Wasn't it just perfect? I loved it all - the dress, the tree lined Westminster Abbey, all the wonderful and crazy hats and of course the perfect couple!!

  11. I think we must both have been padding around our homes in the early morning hours.
    We had a traditional breakfast and home made scones with devon cream and strawberry jam.
    I set my table with my Royal invitations placed on the table
    A beautiful day and memories I shall treasure

  12. You're too funny!! Love the tea and scones idea but I must be the only one in the world who missed it!!


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