Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday Tip

DIY Laundry Fragrance.

Yesterday, I saw these in a shop:

They retailed for $20 each. A bit high, but at least the bottle is glass and can be reused. A better option? Make your own for less than $5 in about 5 minutes! It reminded me of this post from last year, when I showed how I contain my laundry products. Try this at home for a little spruce up in your laundry room. I always think it's worth a few minutes to elevate things we use everyday into more attractive displays. 

I see both types of bottles all the time at discount stores, such as Home Goods, Pier I and World Market. You may find them already in your pantry currently filled with a favorite product. Just wash, dry, fill and then add an embellishment. Maybe when I have some extra time, I will get crafty and figure out how to make a fun label? Instead, I quickly plucked the metal star and suede cord from my gift wrap supplies. If you happen to be visiting someone who owns a cottage or beach house this summer, make an extra one for them too. Just remember to call it laundry fragrance and not fabric softener!

The contents in this jug just happen to be the same color as the expensive stuff....hmmm, I wonder?


  1. Ah, another lover of laundry.
    I've been ironing sheets today.

  2. Or you can hunt old thrift shops for these type of bottles or I forget which brand of beer uses bottles with these type of stoppers!

  3. So clever, Rebecca! I'll bet the stuff in the nice bottles isn't even as nice as your product!

    I'll have to give it a try. Love making the every day even prettier!
    xo Elizabeth

  4. Ah, Home Goods! My favorite! I finally transferred my baking items such as flour and sugar into airtight containers. It's such a mental lift to open the cabinet now and see it look for organized.

  5. I love this idea....you could get really creative and have a lot of of fun! This is very clever and could also make a great gift.....or housewarming or hostess gift. I will have to get to a Home Goods store sometime soon...seems a lot of people do very well there. Have a good night:)

  6. My laundry room needs such a complete makeover that a chic homemade bottle like that is for now just in my dreams! Think it's time I get rid of the paint and tools in there and get a fun feminine happy vibe going!

  7. Great idea and it looks so pretty too!! My laundry room is a pit in need of a total makeover. I keep the door shut to hide my shame!!lol,Kathysue

  8. so glad to have found your blog, this is a really great idea!


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