Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!!

Fathers have many titles and are so often the unsung heros of familes. In our house Dad is often known as:
  • The fun parent.
  • The grill master.
  • The lawn ranger.
  • The dog walker.
  • The ball thrower.
  • The homework helper.
  • The wisdom dispenser.
  • The joke teller.
  • The sports lover.
  • The wrestler.
  • The teacher.
  • The vacation planner.
  • The provider of unconditional love and support.     

Celebrating wonderful Dads everywhere!


  1. Rebecca, I love your list of titles and what a wonderful Dad he must be to fill in for all those titles. What a nice tribute to him, Kathysue

  2. Your husband sounds like he can do it all!! Mine is similar but has expertise in cleaning and cooking but I'm more the teacher and homework helper

  3. Happy Father's Day to your talented husband!

    Kat :)

  4. Ladies,
    Thanks and I bet your husbands possess many traits on this list too!

    Mine doesn't cook....lucky girl!!!! He is however, an indispensable partner in the kitchen for prep. I couldn't manage without him for holiday meals or parties!


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