Friday, June 24, 2011

Weekend Pleasure: Holmes

Sometime last year, I discovered a great way to spend an early weekend morning. Not alone with my coffee and the dog, while everyone else slept in, but with this guy:

Overalls and a took belt, his usual attire.

For those of you who don't know who Holmes is, in my opinion, he's the best thing on HGTV. Mike Holmes is a contractor extraordinaire!!! He knows more than any contractor I've ever met working or seen on television. And, for the times he doesn't know something, he knows people that know. Yeah, talk about the ultimate fantasy guy to know. Currently he has two shows:  Holmes On Homes and Holmes Inspection. Both are entertaining and informative. Oh, and he has a magazine too. Something for the beach or pool bag?

Mike, that aqua shirt is so cool!

I found Holmes by accident when I was channel surfing looking for my other favorite contractor's: Norm, Tom and Richard aka the This Old House guys. It seems they had another schedule change and that's when I found Mike. Within 15 minutes, I was having a total love fest. Although, after making introductions to my husband, it's now a threesome. He says things like "let's fix this and make it right" and "let's rip this all out and start over". Makes me want to move to Canada. He points out all the things that bad contractors do without coming off arrogant.  And, despite his tough guy looks, he is seriously compassionate and very charming. I'd even say charismatic!
Cleans up pretty good, eh?

Both his son and daughter work for him, along with a great guy named Damon and many other very skilled craftsman. Each week there is a different disaster, courtesy of an incompetent and often
unlicensed/dishonest contractor. The distressed homeowners at their wits end enlist Holmes to find the problems and correct the mess. He always goes beyond what any "normal" contractor would ever do.  The ladies always hug him at the end and often the men do to....he's that good. Check your local listings for times!

You'll want to have a leisurely breakfast with this weekend pleasure. May I suggest pancakes. Extra syrup.


  1. Mike Holmes is going to build a new, planned, eco-friendly neighbourhood literally accross the road from us (Wind Walk). It looks pretty cool, and I love the fact that he's heading the project. I know he'll 'make it right'.

  2. Andrea,
    How lucky, what I wouldn't give for a birds eye view of that job!!!

  3. I've never seen Holmes!
    It seems that House Hunters
    is ALWAYS on when I have a
    free moment. I'll have to
    TIVO him. Thanks for the tip...
    and the pancakes : )
    xx Suzanne

  4. My husband loves that show, it drives me a little nutty! ;-) He does sound exactly like a friend of ours though!

    I hope you enjoy your weekend, and those pancakes look yummy!

    Kat :)

  5. We love Mike - he lives nearby!! :)

    xo Terri

  6. I'm a fan of Mike Holmes, I 'found' him on Sky TV. Very informative, and very easy on the eye!
    Best wishes
    Rose H

  7. Oh I've never seen this - but that's probably because it's not when I have the TV on and it it is on, it's one of the kid's shows!! I'll try and remember to check it out!! Sounds great!

  8. I'm a huge fan of Mike's and even the husband has learned a thing or two watching this amazing guy!

  9. He is amazing and the contractor of our dreams! We're on the fifth (yes fifth) year of building our house and we've contemplated many a time giving Mike a call...I think we're on the right path now though and am hoping for the best...but, I know he's out there just in case!
    xo J~

    Think we best have pancakes for breakfast tomorrow now! ;)

  10. I actually discoverd him by accident. He is like the contractor that is too good to be true! Wish there were more like him. Don't get a lot of time to watch TV but when I do hes great entertainment.

  11. Rebecca I can't believe I haven't watched this super hero!! Thanks for the heads up, and for the image of those pancakes, Ha!

    Art by Karena

    I have a New, very fashionable Giveaway on my site! Come and see!

  12. Would love to have him in on auto speed dial...need more honest and talented contractors in my life...really in NY!

  13. I like the look of that breakfast!....xv

  14. I think we all wish we knew a Holmes. An honest contractor who can actually find the problems and fix them properly the first time around.

    Love his show!
    xo Elizabeth

  15. I too love him Rebecca! Great post!

  16. Low Tide, I can't help myself, I love construction!

    Windlost, lucky-lucky!!!

    AO, so true, we have too!

  17. Can't decide which looks tastier the pancakes or Mike? Hmmmm I think Mike lol

  18. Oh I really like him, so nice and hard working!


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