Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday Tip

It's hot outside. Really hot. Humid too. I should be getting ready for vacation. I have a list about a mile long of things I need to do. I was out for several hours and was able to cross off several things from my ever growing to-do list. Came home briefly with the intention of heading back out to knock off a few more things from the list, but the mail distracted me. Amazon book order delivered and I received a postcard from one of my favorite catalogues, Cambria Cove. It seems they're saying farewell after 3 years. Bummer. Just about everything on their site is 75% off! So exciting!

Today's tip: beat the heat and shop from home from a favorite catalogue, online site or Etsy!

Here's what caught my eye on the  Camrbia Cove web site:

Why didn't I think of this? Perhaps because for your average outdoor get together it would be a little pricey at over $300. I only have one of these faceted crystal globes that you may recall from this post.  Guess I need to bring it outside!

Antique green glass bottle from France. Better hurry if you want one of these!

For hot chocolate and iced coffees. YUM!

I just love that these charms look like coins.

At  only $15 I'll take one please!

Great gift. Who wouldn't want a decent way to jot down a little note.

Something for the men.

Of course I love this! Soap in robins egg blue and an apothecary jar I can use for just about anything.


  1. Love the light fixture and I hope this store isn't closing because of the economy that would be a shame!

    Be sure to enter my one-year blogaversary "giveaway" at:www.acquiredobjects.blogspot.com

  2. What great items to love!! They really have beautiful things and ii is sad to see them close.

    Art by Karena

  3. Curse you for showing me all of these beautiful things when I just declared that I wouldn't buy anything new! ;-)

    Kat :)

  4. Awesome light fixture and I actually have those Robins egg blue soaps! So many pretty things- love the coin looking charms, am a sucker for anything even having to do with a charm bracelet!

  5. Great tip! Heading over now to check out this new to me site!

  6. Wow - wasn't even familiar with this site. Will have to pop on over to check them out!!


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