Sunday, August 14, 2011

Contemplating Great Style At Any Age!

I don't know about you, but sometimes I wonder why when certain people age, they not only lose their sense of fashion style, but also their interior style. You know, that creepy combination of polyester pants and doilies on the chair backs! 

The foyer/dining room. The  pale gray walls and creamy white trim make it modern.
 My scans do not do any of these pictures justice!

In case you missed it, in the May-June issue of Veranda there was a great reminder that we have a choice to live beautifully any age! I have looked at the images of Furlow Gatewood's house so many times, I almost feel like I've been there.
Left side of the living room.
 Shutters are all that are needed since the furniture and objects are of such quality.
 Of course, I would love to know what book titles are on those shelves!

Right side of the living room.
The antique pieces with their white upholstery and slipcovers look so fresh.
The blue accents and geometric pillows on the sofa make the room feel modern.
Clearly at first glance, this was the home of someone with incredible style and a great appreciation for antiques, but the rooms didn't come off as stuffy. They have a fresh feel to them. I was surprised to read Mr. Gatewood is 90!!! Turns out he's John Rossell's associate and antiques buyer in the south for past 40 years. And, they travel to India together quite often. I couldn't help but admire this man's zest for life and passion for great design!

The guest bedroom.
This two-toned 4 poster bed was designed by Gatewood and Rosselli.
The simple linens and the leaf pillows on the bench give it a youthful touch.
 So it got me thinking about what's the secret to living with what you love and have collected, without living....well like it's grandpa so-and-so's musty attic?

I thought Mr. Gatewood's home, if you look closely at the details, was like a free design lesson for the enthusiast and a great reminder for those of us who often work with pieces clients have already acquired. It demonstrates that whether you're just starting out or have a lifetime of possessions, the components of pulling a great room together are the same. Classic pieces, antiques and collections, a great paint color and updated fabrics, plus disciplined editing, can make any room any age!

Oh, did I mention the beautiful garden Mr. Gatewood designed....full of hydrangea's? I would absolutely love to take a walk down this lane. Sigh.


  1. Totally agree!!! Great post and perfect example. Also true in all aspects of life - yes interiors and fashion but also general approach to how you live. Those who are still connected with the world, interested and curious are those who tend to live well in all aspects. My mother passed away at 90 and was still stylish, interesting and fun!!

  2. I’m surprised that home belongs to someone 90 years young it’s gorgeous, a place I would be at home. We have neighbors in their late sixties and their home is a hodge podge of cast offs (not antique or worth anything) and the furniture is to small for the over scaled living room they have, I’ll have to show them this post.

    I love those hydrangeas in the pots but we can’t do that in a snowy cold climate. I bet his whole garden is stunning.

    Enjoy your evening Rebecca!

  3. This is absolutely stunning, one of the most beautiful interiors I have seen for a long time. And those potted hydrangeas!

  4. R, this is just
    I love it!!!
    One of the greatest
    design lessons,
    for certain. It's
    really tricky to
    do it right. I
    think I need to
    renew my old Veranda
    Happy Sunday,
    xx Suzanne

  5. Beautiful, I echo your thoughts and those who commented. I think it is all about the classics and updating paint, bedding/linens, upholstery, etc. to keep from having a stale environment. As your first commenter wrote, staying connected and interested is vital. Wonderful post.

  6. Agree with every word. Haven't been here in a while...Summer has definitely gotten in the way of my blogging. So glad I didn't miss this post. Lovely images and a right on target message. Enjoy the rest of your Summer. Mona

  7. Lovely interiors! So very inspiring. Those elongated windows are astounding, they really bring in the light beautifully.

  8. I never really thought about it, but you're right, many people do tend to let design slip away as they age. I wonder if it becomes less important or if they don't see the point? Your post is a great reminder that we can embrace the old and the new to create beautiful homes at any age! And that garden...swoon!

    Kat :)

  9. He's always had the most fabulously furnished house in Savannah.

  10. You have invited us to ponder on this. We all agree on this timeless fresh space. He had a strong sense of style and maintained it despite making colour changes. That is a true artist.

    Great post

  11. Wow, those Hydrangeas! Just goes to show that keeping a young mind is not only good for your health but your fashion and design sense as well. I think to keep caring, learning and experiencing helps to stop one from falling into worn out complacency.

  12. Love this post Rebecca!

    Classic pieces do not have to look dated or stodgy. Add fresh pillows and throws. Paint a room in a new color palette. Add a unique plant in a corner. A statement work of art, large in scale; a fabulous mirror.

    I know that my love of art and design will never grow stale!


    Art by Karena

  13. i love the place.
    and the garden.

    the old poops in boca raton are all about style.
    but then....
    they are all about out doing each other.

  14. You are so right (had to laugh out loud about the doilies) Rebecca. Why do we change so vastly, as if to succumb to old age? THIS is an amazing home down to each little detail. The hydrangeas in those pots are breathtaking.

    I hope your weekend was just as magnificent?
    x Deb

  15. So beautiful, and great post...I know I don't want to age into some weird Mrs. Havisham type myself, gorgeous reminder!

  16. It also takes substantial natural talent or a good designer to pull together a great room and have it look effortless.

  17. This home is incredibly stylish and exemplifies how to incorporate old with new!

    And the hydrangeas are just divine- so stunning!

  18. Ann,
    I am not sure if you are a regular reader, but I can assure you, quite the contrary is true. While stereo-types exist whether we like it or not (my grandmother was a polyester pant wearing doily user from her 60's-80's, yet quite stylish in her younger days) it would frankly have been more surprising if this home had belonged to a 30 year old. Does this mean I think younger people are incapable of creating classic and sophisticated interiors? Not at all. But, I do think for "certain people" it takes years to cultivate and curate ones style into a beautiful space that is authentic and exudes effortless style, just as I think Mr. Gatewood is an inspiration to those of us with a love of design and classic interiors, he demonstates a lifelong passion can be updated at any age.

    It is never my intention to offend any age group, especially since my readers do range in age from 20's-80's and hopefully beyond!

  19. Q,
    Thanks for sharing that, my grandmother could have used a friend like her!

    Renae, So interesting, funny and good for business!?

    Yes, leave it Dickens to plant that seed of fear in many of us!

    To all,
    who loved the pots of hydrangea. Truly magnificent in their simple containers and stunning mass!

  20. Truly a gorgeous home, made all the more, by the reveal that the owner is a stylish 90 year old man! I love the collected, yet edited, look that was acquired over the years and maintained by a talented and trained eye!

    xo Elizabeth

  21. Beautiful...there's hope for us all then, thank goodness! I have relatives (well, one in particular) who had amazing taste and style in her younger days, truly ahead of her time...wowed everyone, but now...not so much, it's been sad to see really, and even more so because she still thinks she still has it...we gently try to steer her along the best we can.
    Here's to us all keeping our 'eye' at 90...but just blogger should all make a pack to help each other out *if and when* the time arises in the future...just saying!
    xo J~

    btw- really loved the potted hydrangeas!

  22. absolutely stunningly gorgeous home... breathtaking. can NOT believe he is 90...
    great post!


  23. R~

    You are spot on in your commentary. Stereotypically as people age there seems to be a lack of caring or tiredness sets in!

    This home is so lovely and I could move right in. I am going back to my Veranda issue and study!


  24. love the last photo..I'm crazy about hydrangeas :)


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