Monday, August 29, 2011

Released From The Grip Of Mean Irene!

I truly hope everyone came through Hurricane Irene unscathed.  Other than having to make a quick dash 3 hours south to Williamsburg, Virginia Thursday night to pick up our son-after just dropping him off for his second year of college...four days earlier, it was a non event in our immediate area. They still are without power in most of the Williamsburg area, including the college. Hopefully, with a bit of luck the students will be back to school by mid-week. First day of high school classes for my daughter began today!

Speaking of being released from mother nature's grip, what are your thoughts about this master bedroom?

Elle Decor September 2011. Photograph by Simon Upton.


  1. one word; WOW

    thank you for the kind comment xxx

  2. i think it's a bit too much, it's so over the top. i'm all for unexpected combinations, but i think these don't quite work that well, unfortunately.

    Costin M.

  3. Glad you are safe, and I hope your son gets back to school soon. My son's classes were supposed to start today, but with all of the problems we had down here, that won't be happening!

    As far as the room is concerned, I like the artwork!

    Kat :)

  4. I immediately thought of spooky hands coming out of the wall behind the bed...and I don't care at all for the color scheme or the I don't think it works for me! ; )

  5. Anon,
    I'm afraid not. This is a room done by a designer for a client!

    As for me, I think the faux bois paneling, branch curtain rods and bed canopy with the hanging lanterns work, though I wouldn't choose it to wake up to each morning! I like the settee and pillows across the room and I think it's unfortunate these colors weren't reflected elsewhere, because the addition of the lemon yellow bedding and bubble gum pink stools left me feeling like this was a teens room...with some photography/artwork from a recent trip added at the end.

  6. Hi, hope you are well and your son is back and in school. It wreaked its share of havoc up here too and I just got back internet late last night, so needless to say its great to be back!
    Re this room, its "too much" for me, do not like all that paneling in a bedroom, makes it feel cold and sterile, the settee is my favorite element, the pink white and yellow, not feeling it, the braches on the headboard, rather creepy and the artwork while beautiful to me is not "
    bedroom-y". Just my opinion! Hope alls well....

  7. Even the best of magazines will succomb to such horrific design work. Does make one wonder what goes through the minds of editors when they select such work for publication.

  8. The color combination of white and purple looks stunning. But you could have done away with the yellow in between.


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