Friday, August 19, 2011

Weekend Plans?

We'll just be hanging out with friends and family. Both the annoying and the crazy. Typical.

Have a great weekend!


  1. So funny!! Wishing you good luck with your family favorites!! Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. All my favorites, well, except for the squirrel. Have a great one!


  3. Your photos remind me of the classic must read by Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals.

    Have a great weekend!!

    xoxo michele

  4. Love them all though squirrels kind of freak me out, they seem to sneaky (hummm kind of like a family member I Enjoy your weekend!

  5. What precious images! I'm on my way to the lake trying to pack in that last bit of Summer. Have a great weekend. Mona

  6. We have some of those critters around here. My dog loves "Mr.Chippy"!
    Have a great weekend.

  7. I hope you enjoy a family visit. I just got through the worst one of my life. Imagine a coffee cup teetering on your newly upholstered sofa. Not like there weren't three tables within arms reach. It is your (can say anything about it) mother in-law. The niece and mom in-law are yellers. As in they cannot speak without yelling. By the time they left I was half in the bag with martinis.
    We actually have no guest room because they'd cocoon here or something.

  8. OMG I didn't know you were living in my home as Although our turtles are painted turtles with the flatter shells but everything else is the same right down to the upside down golden.....HOW CUTE!


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