Saturday, December 31, 2011

Two Years Later...

I just passed my 2 year blog anniversary last week. It doesn't seem possible. And, yet in the design blog world, I am still in the infant stages of blogging. There are bloggers who have been at this for 6 years. Now that's impressive! I don't know if that milestone is in the cards for me, but right now I plan to continue as long as I think I have something to contribute and my dear readers are well, still interested in reading!  
My friend, Linda, made a dozen of these for our family over the holidays. They didn't last 24 hours,
 except for the one I hid in the freezer!  This was definitely a case where the taste matched the appearance.
 They were moist with a molten-like center. Rich, decadent, and so pretty!

I want to thank all the readers who make A&A a little stop in their day, so many of whom are unknown to me, as well as those who send me an email from time-to-time. And, of course my fellow bloggers and anyone who has ever taken the time to leave a comment on a post and contribute to the dialogue. I sincerely thank you. And, I'd be remiss not to mention those of you who I've had the pleasure getting to know beyond the blog. That's just been an unexpected bonus!

Best wishes to all of you for a very Happy New Year!!!


  1. Congratulations! I am new to your blog and really enjoy it. You've been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award! Stop by the market for more details:

  2. Wishing you a happy, healthy and joyous New Year. Your blog is always a treat to visit and I look forward to seeing what you do in the coming year.
    Cheers to a fabulous 2012!

  3. Happy blog anniversary to you!!! And a big happy new year as well! I hope 2012 brings you much joy and happiness!

  4. lovely post, once again!!

    Happy New Years to you and yours!

    Linda :o)

  5. Best wishes to you in 2012. Happy New Year! XO, Mona

  6. Happy blogiversary and best wishes for a wonderful 2012!


  7. Happy 2012!! I would have hide one of those cupcakes in the freezer too!

  8. I'll still be here reading when you hit that 6 year mark! Happy Blog'aversary, and I hope you have a very Happy New Year! Maybe 2012 will be the year we will meet up for lunch!

    Kat :)

  9. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging! It is a pleasure to blog along with you and I look forward to blogging along with you in 2012. Cute cupcakes and I am surprised they lasted 24 hours! XO

  10. Happy blogiversary Rebecca!! Two years and going strong! And best wishes to you and yours for a happy and healthy 2012!! Glad those cupcakes weren't in my house!

  11. Happy New Year! I love your blog. Continued success.......

  12. Rebecca Happy Anniversary of Blogging & thank you for adding so much to our lives!

    It is a New Year & I wish you All the best in 2012!

    I hope you will enter my Giveaway From Serena & Lily!

    Art by Karena

  13. Happy Happy New Year to You too, Rebecca! I am looking forward to another year of following along in your journey here in blogland. You are a very special lady and it has been a pleasure getting to know you!! xo Kathysue

  14. Congrats & Happy New Year to you! Hope it's great!

  15. Happy Blogiversary!
    You were one of the
    first that I began following.
    May 2012 continue to
    bring happy moments
    into your life, including


  16. Congratulations on the two year mark! I have this week off and catching up on months of blog reading. Your's included. Drinking a martini and saying cheers! Here's to 2012! Look forward to being more active! Happy New Year. p.s. I would have eaten all those cupcakes :)

  17. Happy 2-year Blog-aversary Rebecca! Tell you what you wrap up that cupcake you hid in the freeze and send to me and I'll keep following It's been great getting to know you on here and on the side. I hope you and your family have the very best of New Years!


  18. Happy Anniversary! Happy New Year! Happy 2012! Happy blogging!

  19. I so need to do this, according to my hubby!! I have so many files for my blog post, it is ridiculous. It is nice to have pinterest now, a new place to keep images. Even though it is public, I don't worry about it too much. Good for you, I need to follow suit, Happy New Year to you, xo Kathysue

  20. Congrats on this milestone! Those cupcakes look as good as they sound!

  21. I really need to organize my family photos! You have inspired me to make the time to get it done! Thank you.

  22. Happy 2nd blogiversary!! It goes so fast doesn't it?! The cupcakes are indeed adorable - and sound delicious! Happy Weekend to you Rebecca!


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