Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winner Of Book Giveaway Announced!

Sorry for the delay folks, it's been a mad dash around here to get ready for Ol' St. Nick!
One of my favorite linen holiday hand towels.

The winner of the signed copy of Blue Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews is...

I asked my daughter for the first number that came to mind between 1-25 when she was grabbing two cookies that just came out of the oven. Her pick?

It rhymes with blue, it's number two, the readers name is Kathysue!!! Please send me an email with your address and I'll pop the book in the mail to you this week.

Thank you to everyone who participated!!!


  1. How cute, what kind of cookies? Congratulations Kathysue but we need to know about the COOKIES ;)

  2. AO,
    Cranberry-white chocolate-almond and chocolate cherry cookies were crossed off the list today. Hopefully, I'll get two more holiday favorites baked this week and into the freezer!

  3. I am so happy for Kathysue. She deserves to win. She is kind and so sweet.


  4. Hello and thank you for stopping by today.

    Congratulations to Kathysue - well deserved! xx

    Happy holidays to you!

    Lots of love from Sweden!

    x Charlotta

  5. Omgosh, I am soooo excited I won?!! Woo Hoo, thank you so much Rebecca!! This is so fun, Can't wait to read the book, xo Kathysue


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