Monday, January 9, 2012

The Chaise, Make It A Double!

So, after watching hours of Downton Abbey re-runs and the 2 hour Season II premiere last night, it got me thinking about being pampered. And my mind turned to the chaise. While the chaise has long been considered the distant relative of the French Récaimier, it's really more similar to the French Méridienne, which translates to rest in the middle of the day.

They tend to be thought of as furniture for women, but when you pair them, they take on a completely different context. Pairs immediately feel gender neutral and conversational. I'd prefer my pair (that I don't yet own) to be used in a library setting. But, they certainly looK appropriate for the study, living room or bedroom. And, while we lounge and look at some of my favorite images that I've saved, could someone ring the bell and ask Carson, the butler, to please bring us some tea or brandy?
Couldn't you just spend all day here with a pile of books?
 I imagine their is a roaring fire opposite the pair of chaise's.
Betty Lou Phillips.

A definite masculine take. Mathew Patrick Smyth.

Suzanne Rheinstein

Bright, cheerful and elegant. Eileen Kathryn Boyd.

An advertisement for Stark carpet, but I fell in love the the leather tufted chaises!

  I prefer the left/right arm combination so I have something to lean into.
 As well as take a nap without falling off! Veranda.

I love everything about this room! Matthew Patrick Smyth.

This would be a good substitute. Identical chairs and ottomans pushed together.
House & Home-January 2012


  1. Love the images you found. I wish I had room in my home to add chaises. Love how they look!

  2. I like the pairs with a masculine feel like the brown velvet and definitely the tufted leather.

  3. Rebecca I have visited this idea for my living room many times,seeing it here on your blog is making me visit it again and I still love the idea! You have shown some great examples that I need to pin, just in case it actually happens in my life!! I can tell your wheels are turning with new ideas for your lovely home!! I love this time of year. WE have time to dream away!!! Happy Monday,

  4. I am a "Downton Abbey" junkie as well!!! Also watched the re-runs, to bring us up to speed. I really need to get someone to dress me!!! I find that the funniest thing...imagine that! Never mind someone bringing you a cup of tea!! The show is getting juicy...apparently lots more to the way....the photos you chose are lovely...who wouldn't want a chaise after seeing those?

    Cheers......Linda :o)

  5. Never heard of Downton Abbey but then again I'm not much of a TV person except for sleeping in front of. Love the over stuffed chaise in the first image I can image hanging there all day reading but I don't think Mister man would wait hand and foot on me.

    I hope you're having a good day!

  6. Just started watching a little clip of Downton Abbey saw it for about 40 min. last night..its worth it just to oogle at the house and furnishings and grounds!I love all of the gorgeous pics above, looks soo much better as pair, I am not a huge chaise person but somehow seeing the symmetry of two together, I am really liking them!

  7. Ooooooo! Now I WANT! I especially love the leather chaises! Such luxury. And i so agree. Downtown Abby is a wonderful place to get lost. I am enthralled with that series. Luckily last night, it didn't conflict with football, so my husband watched with me! He enjoys it also. :)

  8. Don't you love them all? I wish I had the space to use them...they are gorgeous- xo Diana

  9. Funny...each image showed the chaises looking away from the fire....I would want to turn them around and warm my toes. Maybe not as good looking....

  10. Love Suzanne Rheinstein's chaises...and Downton Abbey!

  11. Hi Rebecca, I just happened upon your blog and I love it!! Today's post was fantastic...I watched Downtown Abbey last night and thought it was wonderful. I totally agree with you and how great it would be to be pampered, I will definitely have to add a delivery boy to the shopping list when I purchase a chaise lounge :) I hope you have a wonderful week and Happy Monday!!
    Twirling Clare

  12. Such gorgeous inspiration! Thank you! Love the blog!

  13. Dahhling I could not agree more... and the first image is by far my favorite!

  14. Yes...............two chaises just to watch Downton Abbey. Watched the First Season (re-watched) on Saturday and then got my new season fix on Sunday. Brings new meaning to Sunday nights. I hear you can download Season 2 but I am being a good girl and waiting for each week. Just love this show. XO

  15. Rats. I bought one chaise 3 years ago. This post makes me wish I had two! Wonderful research, thanks!! :)

  16. We have a chaise in our living room (my seat) which sits opposite a leather recliner (my husband's seat). I think they work quite nicely together -- the masculine versus the feminine. I believe I need to update mine with one of those fluffy pillows! Love the picture ideas.

    Judy :)

  17. I love the look of them paired. I've never noticed that anywhere before. Have Downton Abbey recorded...just need some peace and quiet so I can go watch it. Missed the first season, so will have to go back and watch those as well!!

    Have a great week, Rebecca!
    xo Elizabeth

  18. I don't have a picture but LaZBoy did a room at this year's Ellicott City Decorator show house and they furnished it with a pair of chaise lounges with a round, tufted ottoman in between. Very modern feeling and very luxurious.

  19. Very nice blog... well done! Many thanks for including me!!!! Hope you enjoyed my book. Best, Matthew

  20. FABULOUS selections!! I'd take any. That Suzanne Rheinstein shot has long been a favorite. And don't you just love Carson?!


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