Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sit On Your Tuffet!

Stool or ottoman! Many or you asked about the little tuffet from this post. So this seemed the perfect time to finally finish a post that's been sitting in a draft format. What is a tuffet? Depending on the source you check it's typically described as a footstool or low seat, as it regards to furniture. The word ottoman has become the universal way in modern decor for describing any type of low or movable seating. Any of you recall the word hassock growing up...what would Miss Muffet make of that?
Lightweight and it works for every room of the house. At just $60, what a find!

This particular little tuffet was purchased from Home Goods and was slated for my closet. It's yet to make it upstairs. While it is not sturdy enough for adult seating, it has become a great place to pile books by a chair or sofa , a tray with a drink and yes, a convenient place to put my feet on!

A very convenient perch for books in the library!

I can not think of a single other piece of furniture that has more attributes than ottomans and stools. They are simply the most versatile (and in my opinion, necessary) piece of furniture for every room. I thought to prove my point, I would list every function they serve:

My hands down favorite ottoman, in leather from WSH.
 It's usually in the bedroom, but makes apearances in the living room
 whenever the occasion calls for lots of extra seating!

A rest for tired feet
A perch to pull on hose and socks
An extra seat for conversations
A fireside perch
A coffee table when a tray is added
A holder of books, magazines, blankets, pillows, purse and even a stack of folded clothes!

I had  a pair of these hourglass shaped Courbe ottomans from Ballard done COM
6 years ago in a beautiful harlequin muted teal & peacock blue chenille. They were an
 inexpensive substitute for the pair I fell in love with, but were more than quadruple the price!
They've held up well considering how much they pushed around.

I have at least oneottoman, stool or tuffet in every room. Some are cover in fabric, some in leather. Some were expensive, some were not. When a room lacks atmosphere, there are two things that are often the culprit. One is lack of lighting, or the right lighting (a topic for another day) and the other is flexible seating. If people are not comfortable, no matter how pretty the room looks, they won't fully enjoy being in the room.

I saved this image for the variety of flexible seating options in this room. The big gray round is truly a tuffet.
I've secretly wanted a hoofed stool with faux fur, and have several examples saved. Mr. A&A is perplexed by my
 recent admission of this desire. He says if I get one, then he will put a 6ft bear he saw at Plow & Hearth in the foyer.
If it comes to that, I'll have no choice but to dress him in a gentleman's black suit, give him a silver tray and call him Carson!

While every room must have a basic furniture plan, it's usually the ability to move pieces for conversation that make the best rooms. Flexible seating includes lightweight occasional chairs and ottomans, especially those on casters are indispensable.  
The hardest working ottoman in our house, still sporting it's trendy houndstooth fabric.
 Two chairs share it, as well as the sofa on occasion and whoever may be trying to sit close to the fireplace.
 At 24" square, it's the perfect size to easily push to any spot in the room.

Whether it's during the holiday season, a cocktail party where multiple groups are mingling, or just for everyday living, it's so nice to be able to pull up an extra seat wherever the conversation or need takes you!


  1. Great ottomans. I can't believe that first one is from Home Goods. So cute.

  2. Uh-OH! I still say hassock! Is that sad, or what? That one from Home Goods is phenomenal! I love them and and have 3 of them in our house. Is that a collection or the start of an addiction? xo Diana

  3. I agree that these diminutive little pieces are so very useful. I have an over-sized pouf that my littlest sits or lies on for TV watching. I never thought of calling it a tuffet.

  4. Lovely tuffets! We have one in every room, I am a big believer in ottomans. My feet share them with Daisy, they also make for good dog beds. XO

  5. Rebecca I love what I can see of your home, show more please. I love your leather chair, there’s a cute crystal light fixture in a corner there…share please. Funny but I keep seeing the hairy animal leg stool all over the place and while I’m not really crazy about animal legs on furniture I love that stool, it has grown on me. I have to admit I have a favorite ottoman piled high with books and a small corner just for my feet but what more do you need right?

    I hope you’re enjoying your evening!

  6. Rebecca I adore the ottoman you found at Homegoods and am in need of something similar...and at a similar price!!

    Art by Karena

  7. Love the tufted ottoman from home goods-great find! home goods (or home sense in Canada) never ceases to amaze me with all the great finds.

  8. Hi, love an ottoman too....and like you could have them in every room. Love them in bedrooms and bathrooms as much as I do in family and living rooms. I plan on having a few myself......beautiful! Love your find.

  9. I love ottomans too! Beautiful selection here.

  10. You cant beat Homegoods.It looks great in your home. I am looking for one like that, but bigger.

  11. Adore ottomans! Have one in many of our rooms and the rooms without one....seems to be calling out for one! Love how they serve a multitudes of needs.

    Happy Monday, Rebecca!
    xo Elizabeth

  12. Rebecca, I must admit an ottoman can become my new best friend very quickly. I have a few around the house that are getting well worn. I am also looking to find two small storage cube type for my closet.They will store items and be a good spot to sit and put on shoes etc. I need to go to Homegoods, they alway have some there! Fun post always nice seeing things in your home, Happy Monday,

  13. Fantastic Rebecca - I love all your tuffets. That little round one is darling but the big square one is so functional. I need to add more to my house.
    Great post!
    xo Terri

  14. Oh! Wow! I'm looking for a tuffet for my closet also! Great selection...

  15. What an informative post dahhling... cute images...

  16. Thrilled to be able to post here again...finally!

    I love all of your ottoman choices here...the Homegoods ne is particularly perfect, it's actually cute! Rightnow, our only leather ottoman that belongs to an old leather chair, is being used as a step for Miss. Ginger to enable her to jump on the's better than those little plastic steps, and much easier for her since she's a sausge dog. One must do what one must do...
    xo J~

  17. Totally agree about ottomans, so convenient, and yes, do remember the word hassock when growing up, and for some reason thought it sounded like a dirty word. Go figure.

  18. I think a hassock is a firm, round shaped legless footstool. I remember my parents bringing them back from Morrocco. I really like the hour glass ottomans but as you say, they're usually expensive. Think I'll toss a bit of fur over my ottoman when I want to add texture to the room. Enjoy your blog.

  19. Great choices. Ottomans are must for just about every room in the house.


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