Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Tip

Make time to take inventory. I think most people want to be organized. It makes our lives easier and less stressful.  It's a popular topic of conversation every January both in the blogsphere and in life. And, definately one of my favorite topics! 
This is our everyday flatware. The rattan storage tray I've had a long time, the maple one came with my cabinets.

Since I tend stay organized, most of the time, this year I decided my mission would be to take inventory and then come up with a shopping list of what I actually needed. 
This organizer was a purchased a few years ago from Lowes.

Same with this one, just used in a different configuration.
I never understood the concept of the "junk" drawer? If you group like items together, whether it's in a desk drawer or a kitchen drawer and keep only what you use (after you take inventory) then there won't be any junk!

First up was the kitchen. I started by making a list of anything I was lacking (a meat mallet, I broke my wooden one over the holidays) or needed replacing (some of my baking pans have seen better days) as well as find a better solution to corral all my smalls in the butler's pantry. 
These are from the closet organization section at Container Store. It's meant for socks!

I think this one was for lingerie, but it's perfect for freshly laundered and pressed cocktail napkins
 as well as paper hand towels for the power room.

What are smalls you ask? In general terms, it's a group of tiny objects that are necessary for day to day living. In the kitchen area, they're often the pretty little things we need for entertaining, or gadgets that help us with cooking and baking.

One drawer done. 
 It's remarkably satisfying to be able to see and grab what you need and have it look good too!


  1. Rebecca

    Great work. Do you find when several household members use the kitchen, items get misplaced?
    Continued success
    Helen xx

  2. You are so organized! I love the idea of using those containers meant for socks to hold cupcake papers and other smalls, so smart. I love taking a day and just organizing things, it makes me feel like I've accomplished something and I feel like I can find what I need, when I need it!

    Kat :)

  3. Great ideas with the different bins. Everything is so much more pleasant when organized... you see what you have and actually use it!

  4. You're just like me Rebacca an oraganizational freak but I can't help myself I'm a Virgo what's your excuse....;) I don't let mister man empty the dishwasher because he puts things back where he wants and not where they actually go but I think he does that on purpose to drive me bonkers!

    I hope you're enjoying your evening!

  5. Rebecca...any chance you can head over to my house and let me borrow you for a few weeks? You are a gal after my own heart, I need to have a place for EVERYTHING. And you gave me some darn good ideas for all the "smalls" in my life, of which there are many. I am going nuts right now because everything is upside down (with the move) and I just cannot wait till everything is in its proper home. Loved this post.....excellent advice and great tips!

  6. Hello Rebecca:
    Like you, we cannot bear to have things just higgledy piggledy and must have them organised so that they are ready to hand when needed. Your drawers look to be a lesson in organisation and, oh, the bliss of a butler's pantry!!

  7. Rebecca, I love that you found closet organizers to use for the kitchen items. A terrific solution!


    Art by Karena

  8. I would do anything to be that organized!!

  9. You are a girl after my own heart. I did this a few years ago and it surely has made a difference in keeping things in order in my world. I just have too much stuff, so this year is a purging year. As I purge I am writing a list of things that I need to fill in the holes. I have a wooden utensil tray also and I love love it! Great post Rebecca, you are the organized Queen!! Happy Wednesday,

  10. What a terrific, and very practical post. I must admit, my kitchen utensils are in a bit of mess right now. This is just what I need to get going and organize it all. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. oh please, please ,please
    if only i could be organized!!!


  12. I actually love organizing drawers. I find it much less intimidating than the larger picture. Some terrific ideas here - I like the idea of the sock organizer. I frequently enlist items for other than their intended use -much more fun that way!!

  13. I love opening a drawer and seeing everything in its perfect place. Sadly, my drawers don't look nearly this good. But, I'm feeling like a trip to the Container Store coming on --- and the perfect winter project.

    Looks great, Rebecca!
    xo Elizabeth

  14. you certainly have a talent for making ANYTHING look fabulous!
    I have been doing a lot of re-arranging, as you mentioned in a previous post..
    but....also falling prey to my thrift shops!!!
    love collecting things...

    Linda :o)

  15. Love how you think
    outside the box, R!
    Funny how the smalls
    can cause the most
    havoc : ). I am inspired
    to tackle the junk drawer

  16. This is awesome. You must not have one junk drawer in your house.

  17. Fabulous! I love organized drawers! So nice to use and look at. Have a lovely weekend, Kellie xx

  18. Oh Rebecca...Please come to my house and either crack a whip or just do it for me. I used to be organized...but sadly not anymore. I had every intention along with the rest of the world to get after it in January until Cappi died. I haven't done a thing. You are definitely inspiring me. I think I will just come back to this post once a day for a while. XO, Mona

  19. Simply amazing! The before pics made my want to cry as I've seen so many sad kitchens like this. You took it from frog to prince!


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