Sunday, February 5, 2012

Let's Fall In Love With: P. Allen Smith

If you're an avid gardener you already know this gentleman. Some of you may have seen him on his show or segments he does on other programs such as the Today Show. And, some of you may read his books or have attended one of his gardening lectures. I missed my chance in Charleston, SC  in March of 2009.
Boyish good looks and southern charm make him irresistible!
 Photo from his book Living in the Garden Home.
 My husband and I were there for the annual Festival of Houses & Gardens and the Charleston International Antiques Show. Mr. Smith was one of the featured luncheon speakers for the Charleston International Antiques Show. Had tickets, lost track of time, missed it. Sigh. But at least I can regularly peruse the pages of Living in the Garden Home.
The book has incredible pictures and also lots of inspiration  for
many manageable projects. The best for me? It's broken down by seasons!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the name (the P. stands for Paul) P. Allen Smith, he is a gardening and lifestyle expert. It was exciting to see his house featured in this month's issue of Southern Living.

It's a new house that feels like an old house. A Greek Revival  in Arkansas! For some reason, I did expect Mr. Smith to live in Arkansas, but as he says in the article, even though he's located in the middle of nowhere, he has everything he needs and when you see the photos of his beautiful home and stunning views, you understand perfectly.
This is not a painting. This 650 acre estate is is where Mr. Smith has called home the past 6 years!
Photograph by Roger Foley

Come fall in love...
Welcome! I dream of foyers like this. Actually, I obsessively fantasize about having
a foyer with multiple pieces of furniture that is truly a place to receive guests.

The living and dining room.
His friends include the great Albert Hadley and the late Nancy Lancaster. Mr Smith says of furniture
 "if you sit on it should be new, and if you don't, it should be old". Could not agree more to do this whenever possible!
 He has exquisite taste in antiques, because each piece looks modern and yet the character they exude is undeniable.

Some kitchen huh? A lot of lights for sure, but he needs all that illumination to tape television segments.

Oh, he's also a very talented artist. Who knew!?
 Working on a piece in his studio behind the house with his cute dog, Lucky.
The paintings on the back wall of the dining room were also done by him.

A copper soaking tub with a curtain to pull closed. I hope it comes with a tub pillow,
 because I think I'd be lulled right to sleep on a breezy day!

The master bath.
Mirrors, mirrors on the wall, who besides me,  loves those aqua walls?
 A collection of interesting mirrors, aqua, white and hits of much love!

The perfect way to kick off the month that celebrates love. I'll have a feature for you each week in February highlighting some of my favorites.

All interior photographs by Helen Norman.


  1. Very inspiring pictures. I especially love the entry with its collected feel.

  2. I like Allen too! I think I may need to get his new book....xo kelley

  3. I did not get my copy of SL yet. This is an amazing man though and I am tickled to see his home featured. I had NO idea he was such a good artist. I guess I never think of gardners as artists other than in their gardening efforts. Wow...and is he good, or what? xo Diana

  4. Funny but I've been dreaming since we bought this place of a decent foyer where I could place a piece of furniture too. Let us see, he gardens, draws, grows his own food and looks like he he married? Not for me dang it I like the model I still have sitting here starring at me...;) I've never heard of the guy but will have to go find one of his books.

    Enjoy your evening!

  5. What a beautiful home. I remember someone did a post on his art last year. I saw a piece on someone's blog, can't remember who right now, but fell in love with some of his pieces. Thanks for showing his lovely home. Happy weekend,

  6. I remember seeing his beautiful home - stunning!! What a talent!

  7. I do love him!! and that house...amazing. I wonder if he planted each and every one of those daffodils? probably. ;)

  8. I have been a fan of Allen's for a while. My mother-in-law who owns a garden center gave me one of his books many years ago, predicting he would be "big". She was right! He has that rare mix of knowledge, creativity and warmth.

    Wishing you a wonderful week, Rebecca!
    xo Elizabeth

  9. LOVE HIM! He is so talented, and now to find out he is an artist too!! His home is beautiful, and the decor fits him perfectly.
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. *** THANK YOU for FINDING n' SHARING ... this man has greaaaaat style & personal flair, and I ADORE his artwork... (Come to think OF IT, I think I adore H*I*M, AND OF course HIS PRECIOUS DOG!!!)...

    Such a SCRUMPTIOUS, TRULY C*H*A*R*M*I*N*G and BEAUUUTIFUL HOME... Homestly, it's rare that this happens, but I K*N*O*W I could move right in & probably not change much, I*F ANYTHING at all!!!!!!!!! Just DELICIOUS!!!


    Linda in AZ *

  11. What talent and taste. I love the interior of his home and an artist too.
    Thanks for sharing


  12. I love watching him on TV. Thanks for a look into his "real" life!

  13. What a charming post dahhling...though I had never hear of mr Allen I enjoyed the tour of his home. FAB foyer!

  14. What's not to love here. What a talent!!

  15. I had the pleasure of listening to him speak a number of years back in Jacksonville. I hope to one day visit his Garden Home outside of Little Rock.

    best, teaorwine


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