Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday Tip

Show your LOVE! Even if your not the romantic type, or a fan of Cupid's big day, do something simple to show your love, to the ones you love.

For me, that meant sending my son a care package at college with lots of heart shaped confections. While I'm sure he won't be showing it to his Fraternity Brothers, he'll secretly be glad to receive the package. My daughter will have a bag of all her favorite treats, including a heart motif i-tune card, waiting when she comes home from school.

And, even though Mr. A&A is globe-trotting again, I tucked a card in-between a stack of folded shirts into his luggage last week. He gave me a silly card and perfume before he left and I will definitely spray some on today!

Love to hear what all of you do to celebrate? Happy Valentine's Day!!! 


  1. You are thoughtful Rebecca and no doubt your family will love the affection you have put into their gifts

    We are going to a dinner party, to a home on the ocean which has spectacular views

    Happy St. Valentine's Day

  2. What a nice mom and wife you are...........so thoughtful. You can be sure they will be delighted, even your son. All his frat brothers will be jealous I think as who doesn't like a package from Mom? Happy Valentines Day! XO

  3. Every year we go out for dinner with our best friends (another couple). We lead busier lives than ever, with our kids all being in different directions,etc...so this is one night that we dont' allow anything to come in the way. I always look forward! I got a gift certificate for my three sons to go out for dinner to a new brick oven pizzeria in town and am buying them each a little box of chocolates to put on their bed. No I normally am not this organized or thoughtful but this year somehow I am compelled to do something that they aren't expecting. One of my sons just went through something difficult and I just want to do something to cheer him up a bit. A good day to "spread the love"....enjoy yours!!

  4. Love is in the air....

    Beautiful image1

    Happy Valentine's Day and
    warmest greetings,

  5. Lovely! I have a gift as I award you with the Versatile Blogger award!

    Happy Valentines Rebecca!

    Art by Karena

  6. Rebecca, I awoke to a fire in the fireplace candles lit and music in the background. Roses and a card and my Hubby's sweet face this morning. What a guy!! Tonight I plan on dinner in front of the fireplace with him, the love of my life!!♥
    Happy Vday to YOU!!
    xo Kathysue♥

  7. You're so good to your loved ones Rebecca! Since my man is down in NYC this week I hid a card in his truck and told him this morning where to find it...it made him go all mushy on me...lol. As for Dylan dog I put a red scarf around his neck but had to take it off since he was getting all goofy about the thing and pulling on it. We're going out on Friday night and just being with my husband is good enough for me.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. we are vacationing in Florida....my boyfriend (39 years) wrote our names in the sand, with a big heart around it!! how romantic...then we went to the show..
    sorry that you were alone...but only physically...you are surrounded by your family, in spirit...

    Linda :o)

  9. Coming off the heals of a huge home project, we have been tightening our belt so even the littlest splurge feels like luxury.
    I think Valentine's day is all about little loves....that add up to big loves.
    Hubby surprised us at b-fast with tiny boxes of french truffles. We are savouring this tiny sweet treat.

  10. What sweet ideas. Small gestures can make such a difference. I can't wait to get home to my valentine's!

  11. Such a good Mom!
    I sent gourmet olive oil and balsamic and herbs to my son and daughter-in-law...a bit out of the ordinary but thought they would appreciate more than candy! Going to see son #2 this weekend...life is good!

  12. Your husband is sweet and so are you!!

  13. We enjoyed our annual
    ritual of chocolate fondue
    after dinner : ) The kids
    still look forward to it and
    frankly.....so do I!

    Hope you are having a
    wonderful weekend!

    xx Suzanne

  14. What thoughtful touches!! I think even the boys appreciate those surprise packages from mom!!


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