Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm Back, As A Mac!

After a little vacation and an unexpected departure from blogging, I got a Mac!

I read every single comment and email that readers sent to me, at least twice. I really gave a lot of thought to this purchase and definitely took into account all of the sage advice that everyone so generously provided.
This is my new laptop on the secretary in my office.
Two years ago, I designed this parson's style chair with the last bits of a favorite fabric pattern.
 Notice the slightly padded back?
It's comfortable for long hours blogging and now learning how to use my new computer!

And, based on what readers said and what was really going to fit my needs, this weekend I finally decided on the 15 inch MacBook Pro and the 21.5 inch iMac, both with regular screens instead of the non-glare. And, I did get the one-to-one service or as I told the salesperson, the genius-to-moron help. I know I'm going to need it! I ended up with 2 new computers for the price I would have paid for the larger laptop I was initially leaning towards. Now I have both the big screen I need for my daily work and the portability I crave from a lap top.

The desk top is still in the box until I can arrange to have all my files transferred. This will go on my other desk/work table where my Dell currently sits. Besides a functioning computer, the thing I am most excited about is getting rid of the big box that sits on the floor and the insane tangle of wires!

Not withstanding the computer issues, my little hiatus was very relaxing as well as productive, but it's nice to be back in blogworld, I've missed you all!


  1. Welcome back, Rebecca!!

    I suspect you'll love your Mac so much that we'll be seeing (reading) a lot of you! :)

    Have a wonderful week!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  2. Welcome back Rebecca! I wish I had purchased a Mac laptop last time I need a new computer but this is is fine for time. I'm bookmarking this post so hopefully next year I can get a Mac. In the meantime I'll limp aloong with my Dell...;)


  3. Glad to see you back. My dd has a Mac and just loves it. I hope you have fun learning all the ins and outs of a new computer. xo Diana

  4. Love your posts and can I just say, I'm more into that slipper chair ;). On the mac note, I switch between the two and I'm probably just an odd one but I love my PC. I'm glad you love your new toy!!

  5. Welcome back! I'm so excited to hear about your Mac experience and I'm loving that chair fabric!


  6. Hooray for you! You made the right choice. Have a blast with your new Macs :) -Al

  7. Rebecca welcome back to the blog world!! I know you will love your Mac and the chair, I adore it!!

    I have a $100 Gift Card Giveaway from Soft Surroundings if you would like to enter!!

    Art by Karena

  8. I think you are going to be VERY happy when you get used to them. Can't imagine typing away on anything but my Mac and trust me I am so a creature of habit, its not even funny! Enjoy and welcome back.

  9. Great decision! I know that you are going to be SO happy with your purchase!!
    Happy Tuesday.

  10. Woo Hoo! Congrats. You will love! I have the exact same set up. They can talk to each other and see shared folders/files if you set up for that. I also put everything on an external hard drive, so when traveling with my Pro I can have all the files that are on the desk top without too much problems. The NO wires thing is awesome!! Have fun learning. Once you get it down you will forget all about PC life.

  11. PS: The track pad for the Desktop is definitely worth getting too.

  12. welcome back! you will love it. Hope you don't have any windows to mac adjustments.
    Best of luck.

  13. Woohoo! WTG Girlfriend! You won't be disappointed. :)

  14. Hello Rebecca

    I love your desk and work area. I have a MacBook, as mentioned earlier, and cannot imagine life without one.

    Welcome back
    Helen xx

  15. Congratulations for crossing over from the dark side. Only kidding, partly. I think you will be really happy w/your choice.

  16. Congrats, you'll never look back!!!

  17. Yay!
    I made the move to
    an i-Mac last fall and
    I love it. I bought the
    One to One but have only
    gone in once. It's on my
    summer MUST DO list!
    Obviously, it's intuitive
    enough for me to navigate
    on my own, but I know I
    could be doing things better
    or smarter, so off I will go,
    a good student : )

    I use an i-pad for my portable
    device and LOVE it!

    Happy Friday,
    xo Suzanne

  18. Hi Suzanne:

    I first found you about a year ago and then lost you!! I have come back to you through Acquired Objects and so happy that I did. I love your posts and look forward to more of you and what you do!! As for the i-mac, I want one!!! Good luck with it!

    Mary Anne ox


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