Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday Tip

Cheap tricks for adding small amounts of fabric to a room. I have a few options beyond the toss pillow that I've used over the years. Whether you want to add a designer fabric remnant or just the need to be thrifty with your decorating, these ideas can help!

My daughter, who recently celebrated her 18th birthday, has announced she is ready for a bedroom makeover. I must admit, it's long overdue. Her room has been frozen in her 12 year old wishes about 4 years too long. She asked for a makeover 2 years ago and then couldn't commit to a color scheme, as she knows this is to be the final version of her room. We are going to start the process again of searching for the perfect fabric, that we both can live with!

From the time my children could talk and express their interests, they have always had a say in how their rooms were decorated. And because of that, I have always been quite thrifty about what goes into them.

Especially when it comes to fabrics. Typically, I don't recommend using use high-end fabrics for children's rooms. Between the wear and tear and pace at which children's interests change, it usually doesn't make sense to invest in textiles. That doesn't mean the room can't be stylish, but I tend to put the emphasis on function and enjoyment when decorating kid spaces. Once they're older, then by all means invest in key pieces and fabrics that can easily transform into guest rooms or that your children can take with them when they leave the nest!

Cheap trick #1
Add color and pattern to an inexpensive chair with fabric. This one happens to be from Ikea. It's perfect for a youth/teen room.  It's not particularly attractive, so recovering the seat cushion and lumbar pillow in discount fabrics went a long way in infusing it with some personality. The gingham welt on the seat cushion was cut from a Pottery Barn Outlet hamper liner! Some of you may recall that I am not beneath using shower curtains for fabric options either.

Cheap trick #2
Cover the drawer fronts of an old chest with fabric. Technically, this chest was my first antique. As a child, I was with my mother when she bought it. She painted it black and used it in the guest bedroom. It's had many renditions over the years and was used in both my children's nurseries. The fabric on it is from Laura Ashley and has remained this way for the last two room makeovers.  I hate to admit it, but I never got around to putting the same fabrics used on the chair on the drawer fronts.  It too will definitely get a much needed and more sophisticated update!

For those of you that have inquired, I have not abandoned Tuesday Tips, but have simply had a busy few months. I do hope to be more consistent, and recently had a client give me a good tip which I'll feature in an upcoming post. And, dear readers if any of you have a tip to pass along that you would like me to publish, just send me an email!


  1. So many neat ideas here, amazing what a bit of creativity, a good imagination and great taste can do! Seems your daughter is in more than capable hands. Look forward to seeing the project unfold.

  2. I have an old ugly brown chest in our basement and considered painting it, but knew I still wouldn't love it. I would have never thought to put fabric on the drawers, thanks for such a great idea!

  3. Great ideas and advice!! Love the little chair! Happy Wednesday, Kathysue

  4. Rebecca, I too have an antique chest that was in both of my children's nurseries and now will find a home in the nursery of my first grandchild. I love the idea of covering the drawer fronts with fabric. It looks like you added batting underneath the fabric. Did you cover the drawer fronts like you would a seat cover and staple around the edges or did you use an adhesive? Thank you so much for the great idea! Love your Tuesday Tips.

  5. Hello Rebecca

    What wonderful and reasonable solutions to introducing colour in your child's room.
    I will look forward to seeing the complete project
    Helen xx

  6. I really like your idea of padding and covering the dresser I never thought of that. I don't have a child's room to do but Dylan's areas need a make over and cheap is perfect, perhaps that shower curtain idea....love that.


  7. Sweet TRICKS, Rebecca!
    My 17-year old has had
    few changes in her room
    since she was 6.....only
    a bigger bed, new bedding,
    window treatments and
    a desk came in when she
    was 10. Hard for me to
    think of that room without
    her in another {short!} year.

    Happy Day,
    xo Suzanne

  8. Love that you always think out of the box...XO and happy weekend. Mona

  9. Love these ideas Rebecca!! The Chair looks both bright, fun and comfortable!

    Art by Karena

  10. Cute ideas- Your daughter's room is going to look fantastic! good luck in your quest!

  11. I love the color and creativity. It sings!

  12. The flower print is almost perfect
    x the cookies


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