Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday Tip

Woven washable baskets. Get some!
 Panama Woven Washable Baskets 

This is the first time I have ever published a Tuesday Tip that was on the pricey side. But when I discovered these baskets from Williams-Sonoma Home, I thought it was worth passing along. The baskets look just like wicker, but are made from polypropylene.The retail price is $69.99 (I bought my for $59.95 at the WSH outlet in Leesburg, Virginia) which seems a bit much for just 2 baskets until you consider they can be used over and over and even left outdoors!

If you don't want to wash them by hand, you can put them in the dishwasher!!!
I love real wicker and have 2 pull out baskets for fruit/vegetable storage (with liners) in my kitchen,
but the germaphobe in me loves this more!!!

I can think of dozens of ways to use them, but here's what I did with my pair:
I've told my daughter to put whatever she needs for the pool here.

 My other daughter has one for all her summer items too. Now if she would just put her things away...teenagers!
Photos courtesy of WSH and A&A


  1. Thank you so much for sharing! I am getting these for sure! I love that you can easy them. I am so afraid of putting produce in a basket, and have ruined many washing them. Made my day. Now if I can order these and not shop WS, lol.

  2. By the way, I am adding you to my blogroll. I get your posts by email, but now I will be sure not to miss one.

  3. Wow you are so right, this is amazing, and honestly for something that can be put in the dishwasher makes it worth much more. I could think of a dozen ways I could use these..great for shoes/flip flops/ for summer and food storage in the pantry. I have to find these....btw your comment today cracked me up:) Sure come lay on the rug and spectate.....why not? :)

  4. What a great find! It works perfect in the summer...and the kitchen. I would have never guessed to use it for culinary needs! I hope you can stop by my blog and enter my giveaway for a pair of pearl earrings, Wednesday is the final entry day. Enjoy your week!

    Twirling Clare

  5. Oh- I love those. They are great- Let me know if you can get the teenager to put things away- xo Diana

  6. Great tip, as per always! I can never get enough baskets, off to investigate these further!

  7. I can use these as I have a bit of the germaphobia in me too. Who ever has enough baskets foor storage and these are pretty enuogh to leave out. Thank for the tip Rebecccca!


  8. OK word on my laptop has a problem with c's.....

  9. LOVE these - thank you for the tip. They would be so handy for so many things but I am thinking beach!!! Making the hop!

  10. Great tip, Rebecca. I'm headed to buy some. Have a great weekend. Mona

  11. What a brilliant idea! Have a lovely week ahead, Kellie xx

  12. Happy summer! Love the idea! Their great for the beach or pool! I loved keeping up with your blog! Love, Jamie Herzlinger

  13. Hey I like those!

    AND I adore your hydrangeas...I have them all over the place here. Did a post today on how to dry them! Love your DR!

    Let's chat soon!

  14. Wasable? So cool. I had no idea these were out there.
    Thanks so much for sharing this tip.

    Have a great weekend!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  15. Very nice, baskets are so handy and these would be super. And the idea of being able to wash these so well is great.

  16. These are lovely and you'd never
    know they aren't the real McCoy!
    Thanks for the Tuesday Tip : )

    Your "dog-ter's" basket is cute,
    too! My dog-ter has a wire
    basket for her stuff, and like
    yours, never picks up ~ ha!
    Reminds me of the toddler years
    when you have to go around
    and pick up at the end of the day!

    xo Suzanne

  17. i have an outlet here in Georgia...im there!

  18. These are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing!

  19. Intrigued by your blog name, I stopped by. I liked what I saw and read. I am now your newest follower. Check out Uptown Acorn when you have time.


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