Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Tip

Peace + love and beyond the expiration date = happiness + savings!
I took this picture from the top of a Bed, Bath and Beyond coupon I tore out of a page
 of  my fall 2011 Traditional Home magazine!
In case you didn't know, the retailer Bed, Bath and Beyond accepts expired coupons! I'm not kidding. I discovered this by accident about 2 years ago (forgive me for not sharing it until now) when I was buying all the stuff my oldest needed for his first year of college. When I went to pay, I pulled out my coupons and realized they were expired.  The clerk, a sweet elderly gentleman, informed me they take them even if they're past the expiration. You can bet that ever since that shopping trip, I've never set foot inside their doors without several coupons in hand. Especially, since it's one of those stores you might pop into for a few tea lights and walk out with 3 other items you didn't even know you needed! 

Saving for my next visit!

You may be interested to know that world renowned interior designer, Bunny Williams, mentions in her latest book, Scrapbook For Living she finds shopping the storage container isle of retailers like Bed, Bath and Beyond "almost as thrilling as exploring a fabulous antiques shop." I enjoyed reading this little tid-bit and it fascinated me to know there are people like me who are obsessively organized, but love all things old and historic. Somehow though, I can't imagine her using a coupon!


  1. I wonder if that is
    a nationwide policy,
    or store by store?

    I usually don't set
    foot in BB&B for a
    organizational aisles
    are too dangerous!
    Generally, I have a
    certain item in mind,
    get it and go.

    You and Bunny; who

    Happy Tuesday,
    xo Suzanne

  2. My mother in law told me about this recently - I cringe to think of all the coupons I have thrown away!

    - Holly

  3. Wow- That is amazing! Do you have Kohl's stores there? They will honor a coupon you got in the mail even if you don't have it with you! Now THAT really amazes me-xo Diana

  4. I learned that myself and always keep them handy...they are really good and easy about that. Funny about Bunny.....so I am guessing you like me, love the Container store too? So excited we have one opening near us next month, woo hoo!

  5. Wow! Thanks fr sharing!!
    Happy Wednesday.

  6. Thanks for sharing this tip Rebecca I'm now pulling out my expired coupoons for them and some go back two years!

    I hope you're doing well!


  7. That is great news about the coupons...I buy my mom's coffee pods there!


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