Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Look Inside The Genius of Gary World

The man behind Gary World

Restoration Hardware Chairman and Co-CEO, Gary Friedman
(Oops! Amend that to former)

There is a new logo. It's called...
Or in blog world, Really? Hardly.

Gary has invented black. Black must be the new Belgian.
I'm upset with Gary,  again.  He's taking credit for inventing black.
Recently I proposed to one of my client's that she ebonize, or at least paint black, some of her existing furniture pieces. She thought I was a genius. I hope she doesn't cancel the date for the furniture refinisher to pick up the pieces next week when she finds out it was not an original idea. And, at least she can now get the dining room chairs I proposed. There is now an alternate choice of stain for the legs. She won't have to settle for faux Belgian. Gary invented that too.

And, according to Gary... 
Words from a genius.

In Gary World, going green means...
The upside to this? Hold the books, all 3 volumes, and step on the scale. Now drop them to the floor.
That's right, you can now wear your skinny jeans and have ice cream. Thanks Gary, you are a genius.
never having to say you're sorry for sending out 5.6 LBS of PEFC-certified forest paper to hundreds of thousands of people.  Afterall, it's only twice per year. And as consumers, we are responsible for stopping it. I mean, requested to ask to be removed from the list of...irresponsible people who get this in the mail.  
Gary's picture had to be cropped this year.
 But only because he had a lot to say, this political season, on the topics of fearlessness
and hopelessness. But to the latter topic, he's optimistic...

But seriously Gary, for my effort to be responsible in both my trip to the curb and time on my computer, couldn't you at least  put on a different shirt and jacket while you mug for the camera? But, if you do buy a new outfit for next years photo, please recycle responsibly and cover a stool with that leather jacket.


  1. Turns out he resigned in August - but the catalog had gone to print.
    So, that was his last pic in the leather jacket!

  2. Didn't he have to step down due to an indiscretion?! Love this post!


  3. Michele & Kat,

    I had not heard this!I was checked out the month of August, but ironically a reader left a scathing (anon) comment in the 9/2010 post about these sort of indiscretions and I just couldn't print it!

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    I am so glad you didn't know about his firing because this is so funny! I'm off to put on my skinny jeans and recycle, no jogging required!

    1. Marti,
      Thanks...and glad no jogging required-funny, funny!

  5. DO know he got fired? Gary and his leather coat have gone home. Buh-bye- xo Diana

    1. Diana,
      I do now! But, I'm glad I didn't because this was rather theraputic and fun!

  6. You are so funny. I am personally offended by the gall of RH and their ridiculous stylings of late. My personal favorite of Gary's profundities is "I have business with the grass". So does my dog.

    1. Kerry,
      That really does sum it up! It's actually more funny now when you think back of all his ridiculous "letters"...guess at least one 26 year was impressed.

  7. Funny enough, just as he was forced to step down RH's line is finally turning around. The McMansion-on-steroids proportions have been ditched for smaller pieces reasonably-priced and well-scaled.

  8. I was always a big RH fan, but about 2 years ago I just began to really hate the uber-masculine bloated vibe. There are still things I like, elements, but most of it is some weird futuristic, er, historical, um i dunno, male fantasy. I guess some of the pieces are getting smaller but a lot of it still seems weird, like the very odd lighting, chandeliers in cages, etc. I am all for classic and traditional, and love their draperies, bedding and even some of the lighting and case goods. I am in love with some of the beds. But a lot of the big pieces are just strange...

  9. You should have to try the white and black for the clients , they give luxurious when their combination is used to make the room and furniture to decorate them.
    Landscape designs

  10. Got my catalogs yesterday and so glad I went down to get them on the tractor so I didn't have to carry them up a very large hill. I keep my catalogs they're like a design reference and new black....I painted several pieces of furniture black and yes they look a hundred times better. Gary push red please, I have a lot to sell in red. Funny about recycling his jacket!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Yes, the catalogue is ridiculous!! I was so excited to open my mailbox yesterday because I though it was all my fall magazine issues - turns out is was just one huge RH catalogue.

  12. Great post! I do find they over expose one trend so much that you cant even look at it anymore. I do love black with the Belgium look and I am sure your client will love painting her chairs black. I hope you take a pictures of them...Would love to see them.

  13. So sorry for the spelling mistake...I am still a sleep..Belgian

  14. I cracked up at this. I have a love hate relationship with RH. One I'm getting bored with their styles they don't have a lot of variation and what they add is just plain odd. I love their classic pieces but felt they went way too Belgian and I was getting bored. I love how they just changed up their website - cleaner and white which of course, I love. Had no idea about Gary but looking at him are you suprised? Not me. Do you know how many CEO's are doing the deed with their employees - I'd say the percentage is well over 50 percent. Well I look forward to seeing where they are heading. I guess so many people complained about everything oversized - i looked at the chesterfield there but they didn't make it in 7' and there was nothing I liked for 7' sofas. Sorry RH lost my business since everything is HUGE. Ok time to stop. I will look for my RH catalogue today. I was planning on lifting today at the gym - guess I will just do bicep curls with my mag :)

  15. Have placed the RH trio in the recyle bin. Hope it makes beautiful compost somewhere. My idea of a no exit hell would be a RH deconstructed living room.

  16. Your post is great and made greater with the irony of your not knowing he had been asked to step aside. Good riddance, I say, to his distopian design.

  17. Love all these comments! I always think how much time someone like this had to spend in front of the mirror and camera, to look like he's just a casual, fit, aging super model. Any time a line gets so over exposed as this one has,it's a turn-off for me. Oh, and at our house, we got 2 super-sized sets of catalogs! Now we don't need to share!

  18. My thoughts exactly on the incredible waste of the dumbweights..oops I mean books being distributed to hundreds of thousands...seriously its over the top! I can see the headlines now...."US postal service vs. Restoration Hardware" for a case with the postal workers and the massive back problem crisis have endured after lugging on too many RH catalogs!
    While I am definitely one to give credit where due, and no doubt RH has had its 15 minutes of fame and then some and for a while...he was really onto something and onto something big, but as with all stars..they must rise. And they must fall. And apparently Gary has fallen himself, read that he was aksed to step down if I am not mistaken for an inappropriate relationship....hum!
    And YES share your views on the outfit...seriously Gary dress the part, you look like a 21 year starving artist (at least from the neck down) lol.
    Have a fabulous day!

  19. HA, great post! I don't know if RH will survive this crazy expansion of the last few years. There are good things to say about "the look" coming to the rescue of all those McMansions in need out here, but the spotty quality of the product and the slow delivery ruined the company's reputation long before La Gary's behaviour did.
    I opened the giant catalog merely to get the plastic wrapper off before recycling the books.

  20. green and black will always be interchangeable to me.
    i love them both.


  21. Blah blah blah....I really enjoy seeing the catalog and feel that those designers do have their own distinct look., I look forward to getting it. So sorry for all those comments against it, but I really like their styling. Ana

  22. Shame on don't post all opinions, just the ones that share yours. That's Ok, because I really won't come back here after this. Good luck. Ana

    1. Ana,
      My schedule has not permitted a check-in with blog world until today, which is why your first comment wasn't published-I keep comments open for 3 days then put set the "comment moderation" setting so as to avoid spam. If you were a regular reader of my blog you do in fact know that I publish all comments, whether they agree with my perspective or not. The only comments I don't generally publish are personal attacks or rude comments, but I decided to make an exception for you as I am in a particularly good mood.

  23. Loved the post and the comments are right on! My books arrived in the mail - I flipped through and quickly tossed all three to the recycle bin. What a load!

  24. New to your blog and Late to the Party....sigh....but still laughing that "Black is the new Belgian." That is a good one.


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