Thursday, March 20, 2014

In Like A Lamb?

It's nearly impossible to believe I took this photo last Spring!

This was the winter of our discontent I think most would certainly agree.  St. Patrick' Day did not bring the luck of the Irish, it dumped 8+ inches of snow in my neighborhood. Just the sight of my snow boots and the shovel make me cringe. I keep wondering when the day will arrive that I won't come home and reach for something warm to put on and then turn on the fireplace? More snow is forcasted next week.

It has certainly been the winter of rescheduling! I feel like I am either making a call to reschedule someone or something or I am receiving a call to do the same. My calender appears as if a small child has taken to scribbling randomly on it. That said, I have many projects to share with you!

But I'm feeling optimistic we can all shed the wool soon, very soon.  Seems my washer was sick of all the winter clothes too, it finally gave out and I'm on the hunt for a new one, do you have one you love?

Happy Spring!!!


  1. I am so excited to see your new projects....Have a great weekend Rebecca!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. So true! My poor garden plants have frozen and thawed, and frozen and thawed now so many times, they are looking exhausted and ready for (for real this time,) Spring. I finally just pulled Bella's shoes, as the foot-deep mud in the pasture kept sucking them off. Yes! Spring now! :) xo, N.G.

  3. Happy Spring to you Rebecca, I wish I could send you some our weather, we hardly had a winter here in California and we really do need the rain. Busy at my housing doing a little reno in the kitchen. Finally getting my new counters, Loving them!


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