Thursday, February 10, 2011

C'mon Baby Light My Fire!

Or just sit with me by the fire and enjoy some wine and chocolate. I do like Valentine's Day...a lot, but not in the scatter rose petals in a path to the bed sort of way. If my husband ever did that it would kill any chance of romance because I wouldn't be able to stop laughing.

We tend to keep it pretty simple most years, and this year we had to celebrate early since Mr. A&A is globe trotting again. I honestly don't know why I haven't considered doing this before...dessert fireside in the library. Just enough to celebrate the holiday without being over the top.

The mini cake came from Trader Joe's and had the authentic aroma of chocolate.
 The roses also from TJ's...gorgeous almost lilac. The little
pink bowls are antique and are perfect for raspberry sorbet!
 This year skip the lavish preparations and try something simple to show your love to the one you love!


  1. I LOVE this idea!! Adore your pretty place setting - the silver vase is beautiful!!

  2. Lovely table by the fire! It looks very romantic!

  3. What a super idea, snuggly and romantic!

  4. That is such a great idea I think I'll try it. Although my husband will probably wonder what's up....

  5. Great idea. Your table looks so beautiful. Very romantic without a lot of hassle. I'm all for that!

  6. You and I think alike!! I like to set up a table in the family room with the fire burning and a nice dinner, romantic music and a great romantic movie with my sweetheart!! He still makes my heart beat faster when I think about him even after 44 years!!KS

  7. Brilliant idea...I'm copying! :)

    I love the idea of making dessert the star and settling in by the fire. Trader Joe's is such an amazing resource....I just wish it was closer to me.

    Happy early Valentine's!
    xo Elizabeth

  8. Yes, I agree with keeping it simple. Pretty table.

  9. Ya know, I have yet to turn my fireplace on this year. I think Vday is a good time to do so.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  10. I'm actually
    off to TJ's, today,
    so will check out
    the cake and buy
    myself some roses : )
    Anything by the fire
    is romantic, but
    most especially chocolate
    and champagne!
    Happy Friday,
    xx Suzanne

  11. Seriously, when are you opening a bed and b-fast?

  12. I would be thrilled if my man did that for me...absolutely thrilled. We can go out to dinner anytime, but that looks cozy and so unexpected. xx Danielle

  13. Those roses are gorgeous and what a lovely way to celebrate!

    Kat :)

  14. So sweet, so simple, and so perfect, not to mention romantic! ♥

  15. Love what you did - looks beautiful. I have to giggle at your post. I am with you but I do have to say an ex boyfriend did leave me rose petals. We had been dating a few months and I had been out with my roomate and he said why don't you come over after you go out. My roomate dropped me off and I said do you think he remembers he invited me? Acting all insecure - she said, "Ahh YEAH!" I looked to my right and he had lined the entire walk way to his front door with rose petals and candles. I opened the door and the candles lined the floor in a path with the rose petals all the way to his room and were sprinkled all over the side of my bed. It was the sweetest jesture. Very romantic and completely unexpected.

  16. I really have to agree with you, we tend to keep it very simple as well. This year I received a sweet gift for sure, an enamel sign from and I will give my loved one a romantic but simple dinner in return :)

  17. PPT,
    Please do!

    The flowers lasted a week and the cake was really quite good.

    Make no mistake I am all for romance, and Mr. A&A can be romantic, just not in this format. I love that this was outside and unexpected and now is a cherished memory for you!


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