Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday Tip

Insider tip. Don't worry, it's legal. Some of you may have already figured this out. Paint prices are on the rise, yet again. As the price of oil continues to go up so will things like paint. The better quality paints, those containing  higher levels of latex will show more dramatic price increases. In the long run though, they're still worth it.

Basement painting...finally getting finished! The color is called Roxbury Carmel.
Even with my trade discount, I got quite a surprise when I popped into my local Benjamin Moore dealer. When I buy BM, I always buy the Aura. And, this trip was expensive. We had re-painted half of the basement....well over a year ago! Ah, yes the cost of waiting.

I was told by the manager they are expecting another price increase soon. I'm guessing just in time for spring. Got a big paint project? For many of you it's a 3 day weekend coming up....time to get rolling!


  1. Luckily I don't have any big painting projects coming up, although the outside of the house is going to need it soon - ugh. Looking forward to seeing your redone basement - so far so good!!

  2. Rebecca, thanks for the info. I need some paint and love Benjamin Moore. Hate the price already. Geez. I used that same color in my front sitting room. It is gorgeous at night.

  3. I had better get to the BM store since I have several paint projects coming up, thanks for letting us know. Love that color you're using in your basement!

  4. I had no idea paint prices were going up, but that makes sense! I love the Roxbury Carmel, such a beautiful rich color!

    Kat :)

  5. Just as I am thinking of painting our chocolate brown hallway in nice duck egg blue! It is going to be expensive getting rid of the brown!

  6. Great to know- thanks for the tip. I need to get some painting done soon, and that might just be the motivation to get started. :) I also buy all paint at Benjamin Moore! I love the low VOC paint!

  7. Funny, I have an
    oh-so-similar color
    on the walls of OUR
    basement : ) Thanks
    for the tip. My mom
    is here this week to
    help me {finally} get
    my powder room re-do
    going....which WILL
    include paint....and
    a big damask stencil...
    so the paint store is
    on tomorrow's list.
    Hope you had a wonderful
    V-Day, Rebecca!
    xx Suzanne

  8. I used Roxbury Carmel on my basement and I love it! I recently went into a Ben. Moore store as well for their latest price sheet. They said they were in the process of redoing prices (upward) and they are also reformulating the Regal brand (lower VOC's) so that will also be more expensive. Thanks goodness for designer discounts!

  9. Seriously a huge thank you for sharing, as I have many projects that I plan to tackle this spring. I'll be at Ben Moore tomorrow for sure! xx Danielle

  10. Pretty color...and it matches your blog so nicely!:)

  11. Thanks for sharing the insider scoop. We will definitely have some painting to do this year, if we can ever get our renovation rolling!!

  12. Hmmm...better act fast, eh? Like your basement color...glows like spun gold!

  13. Pretty color-can't wait to see the results!

  14. Good advice Rebecca thanks for the heads-up. No painting this weekend but there will be some putting together a few furniture pieces for the playroom. Yay!! KS


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