Monday, June 7, 2010

For The Birds!

Springtime is always associated with birds singing outside our windows in the early morning hours.  But it seems as if our feathered friends are flocking every room possible!  Everywhere you look birds have found a place in decor.  From the classic to the whimsical, they are seeking the spotlight!!! 

Here are some wonderful examples of birds in fabric, wallpapers, art, lighting and accessories:

A few now live in the A&A nest!  Anything chirping at your house?

Oh, and look at what flew all the way from Australia this weekend:

This is the beautiful work is by Coty Farquhar, stylist and photographer extraordinaire! I was lucky enough to win these in a blog contest!

Images courtesy of Calico Corners,Thibaut, Lee Jofa, RSH, Etsy, Oly and A&A  


  1. I have a little bit of a bird fettish going on, so I really enjoyed this post.

  2. I love bird stuff, too. Love the second and third fabrics you are showing. Just gorgeous.

  3. Love birds, I had a custom chandelier made for my dining room with birds and blossoms. I did a post today with cocktail napkins with a little bird. You post some great inspiration.

  4. Lucky lucky YOU! Congrats on those pretties from OZ. I love birds, too, and the plethora of bird goodies on the market now is just great! I am bringing birds into our master bedroom, which is on the second story and looks out over the tree tops....birds in fabric and accessories, that is! I especially love birds in chinoisserie fabric and wallpaper. Happy Monday, especially now that BLOGGER is back up ~ hooray! xx Suzanne

  5. Are you able to identify the manufacturer and pattern name for the first two fabrics shown? They're terrific. I searched the Thibaut and Lee Jofa sites without much luck. Thank you!

  6. Anon,
    The first 3 are all Calico Corners...good luck!

  7. I have the Thomas Paul bird print in orange in my family room. I'm using it with deep turquoise..almost teal with black and cream. They make me happy everytime I look at them.

  8. I love birds; they remind me of my mom! I really like the 5th picture (fabric) you posted. Those colors are gorgeous!

  9. Love that first fabric -- where is it from?

    And I don't really have any birds around the house (yet) -- but who knows where they may end up landing! :)

  10. classic and timeless--every room needs a little print--why not birds?

  11. LOVE this post! I did one once on all the birds around my house, too. Love 'em! Thanks for the source on the fabrics - they are wonderful!!

  12. I found some like the turquoise ceramic one at Michael's for 50% off in several sizes - I have birds eggs and nests all over my home, cages too. Love this post, Jennifer jennsthreegraces

  13. Clever, clever post! We had a robin take up in our outdoor umbrella over our dining table. At first we weren't thrilled. But, through my kitchen window, we were able to watch as the mama sat on her beautiful robin's egg blue eggs...then they hatched...and finally all flew away. Love birds!

  14. That's a great observation... now that I think about it, birds really are turning up everywhere! I love the fabric in the 5th picture. Do you happen to remember what it's called? Just awesome!

  15. ME,
    That's actually a wallpaper by either Thibaut or Lee Jofa. The first 3 images are fabric, the next 3 are wallpaper. But, often there are fabric matches, so check their websites. Sorry I made this confusing, clearly I did this post in too much of a hurry!

  16. What is it with the birds, hmmm? I love them forever and have a collection of various birds, bird designs, pillows and what not myself!
    Love your collection and pictures!!!

  17. absolutely love the colors of the bird on the turquoise the Thomas Paul bird prints too

    check out my blog


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