Friday, June 4, 2010

Guest Accommodations

The guest bedroom is one of those rooms, at least in my house, that is often nagging me to become something better. Especially this time of year. I always think about how I would love to turn it into the ultimate summer retreat for those who visit.  And, with the addition of a few blankets or quilts, it would feel equally inviting during the holidays.  Currently our guest bedroom has a double bed, a nightstand with drawers, dresser, mirror and a chair.  It is tasteful and comfortable, but not fun or exciting.  It is accommodating.  And, then I go back to the question of why does it have to be a double or queen bed? Wouldn't 2 twins beds just be so much more fun and flexible?

This is one of my favorite examples...from the 1980's.  I think only the floors give away the decade.

The following are simple, relaxing, inviting rooms.  Notice in the image with the teal painted beams and window frame the beds aren't even a matching pair!

How about 3 single beds on a sleeping perfect for chatting well into the wee hours and listening to nature's nightly music!

And, the ultimate in hosting mutliple guests....the bunk room!!! Perfect for a beach or lake house.

What size bed is in your guest room?  Would you want to change it out for something else?

Images courtesy of Country Home, Tradtional Home, Coastal Living


  1. Well, actually, I think anyone who even HAS a dedicated guest room is so....lucky! It is a true luxury these days!
    That said, I would definitely have two twin beds: much more flexible and I like that look so much!

  2. You found some great single bed looks!!
    I say, "Go for it!"

  3. I have a pair of twin beds that I had upholstered headboards made for....I long for an upholstered headboard for MY bed but as I sank a lot of $ into my bed long ago, it's not to be.....

    have a great weekend!

  4. That is so funny. I just did a twin bed post, too with a giveaway. I love the look of twin beds.

  5. I've just popped over from Savvy Southern Style - love this post, as I want to redo our twin bed equipped guest room.
    I'll be back!

  6. I have a queen --- twins just wouldn't have fit. My guest room is on the 3rd floor in the eaves. I've tried to make it very calming and welcoming. I even like to spend time up there!

  7. We use our guest rooms as work spaces when they don't have guests (which we have a lot of). One has a Queen, the other has twin trundles and a crib. The trundles are MUCH more flexible as accommodations. But I must say after having BEEN a guest so much. It's just nice to have clean sheets in ANY kind of bed! I've slept (or tried to) in doggy smelling blankets in a cold room when I've been INVITED to visit! Jacqueline

  8. We have two guest rooms, one has a queen bed and one has twin beds. To be honest, my parents have a double in their guest room at the moment and I'd rather a set of twins than having to share a double with my tall husband... If you really have the space, I love the idea of two parents had this at their old house and it was nice. Great images and I'm sure your guest room is very inviting judging from other glimpses of your home you've shared!

  9. Couldn't agree more. Since the guest room doesn't have anyone living in it, it has fallen to the bottom of the priority list... even though I wish I could snap my fingers and make it look warm and inviting.

  10. Such great retreats you found. I am trying to make my guest rooms 'spa'like. We are fortunate to have a bath with each, so fluffy towels and good smelling soaps and accessories are a must. Next will be getting hair dryers for each!

  11. This was good inspiration for me to continue working on my guest is always just sort of the "catch all" room for furniture, art work, etc. NO MORE!
    Thanks and Happy Weekend!

  12. I love the idea of 2 twin beds in a guest room or even in a child's room (when they have their friends sleep over)! Currently, our guest room is also my office and our son's playroom. And, the bed...oh yeah, that would be a fouton! Not too glamorous and definitely not enough space. But, in the next house....that'll be a whole different story! I will be filing this away for future reference!

  13. I love my guest room, but it was a long time coming... I had to wait for my girls to move out. lol We have a queen , but I love the ideal of twins. I just may do that for the grand babies to come in the other daughter's now empty room... thanks

  14. Saw your blog over at Ness and really enjoy it! Love all your inspriational photo's! Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Our guest room is one of my favorite parts of our house! Especially when there are people staying with us I really love :)

    Queen bed and a sofa. Perfect.

  16. I love sleeping in a twin bed! You have more control over the covers! :-)

  17. We have a full size bed, mostly our guests are the inlaws and the outlaws, as my husband is fond of saying. Some great ideas here!

  18. BEAUTIFUL inspiration pics! I know we are lucky, as we have a guest house (two bedrooms)...My mom resides there...and now my oldest son (In college) sleeps there when he comes home (his other three sibs s p r e a d out when he left).

  19. A guest room is such a luxury and a room where one can push boundaries a touch. I love all the images you featured. I am in the process of re-doing our guest bedroom in our vacation home. It is the standard guest room that you described...I'm going to take it up a notch.

  20. I have 3 guest rooms, a king with its own bath. A queen , and two twins that share a hall bath. My sister who uses the beds would like me to get rid of the twins and get her son a double like he has at his house. I would like her two boys to sleep in the twins but since they don't share a room at their house they won't share a room at mine. Maybe I just should remove all the beds and give them blow ups for the basement. haha

  21. What a great post! Very inspiring.

  22. Beautiful interiors. Stylish!

  23. Oh a sleeping porch! I would love it. Our guest bedroom is sad, sad. It never seems to make it up the list of to dos.

  24. We have a queen and need it to accommodate the big guys in the family who come to visit, namely my dad and my brother, both over six-foot four. One of these nights I'm going to actually stay in our guest room and see what it could use to make it more of the haven that you suggest with these gorgeous images! Beautiful post! xx Suzanne

  25. I love twin beds. These are great images. Every time I see a fabulous bedroom with twin beds I am drawn to it. Why have I never done that for myself?


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