Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday Tip

Beautiful necessities.  I think living beautifully everyday should extend to cleaning as well.  Let's face it, in order to LBE we must practice good housekeeping! One of my favorite quotes is from the great designer, Albert Hadley and is located on my side bar.

Good looking items to accomplish domestic chores equals a sort of euphoric state of being for me.  And, I would venture a guess many of you can relate!

A few months ago while reading one of my very favorite blogs,  A Bloomsbury Life , I was introduced to an amazing company called Ancient Industries.  It is run by Megan Wilson who writes a blog and is a very talented artist.  She designs the most extraordinary book jackets!

Imagine my excitement when my favorite stranger clad in his all brown attire rang the door bell to deliver my order!  Inside the box were all my carefully selected items. I loved how they were wrapped in such a nostalgic way.  The brown paper packages tied up with red and white string and the tags, reminiscent of old fashioned book plates, were a reminder of how a simple presentation can be quite thrilling!

I must advise a word of caution when visiting this site....the offerings are fantastic! I had more than a little difficulty trying condense my order to what I knew I needed and would use immediately.  One of things that really made an impression on me is the carefully collected assortment of household goods from all over the world.  In addition, I loved that several of the brushes are made by the visually impaired of Sweden.

My beautiful domestic aids:

All images courtesey of A&A and Ancient Industries


  1. SIMPLY beautiful! As an afficiando of the LBE philosophy, I can really appreciate having fine "tools" like this for cleaning! And you are right, the packaging elevates the receipt of these goodies to a whole other level. Happy Tuesday and Happy Cleaning! xx P&H

  2. great point rebecca, even the mundane should be beautiful.

    what lovely packaging, makes me want to place an order, but first a visit.

  3. Looks like a great find! My favorite stranger clad in brown...LOL!

  4. i love this stuff.

    thanks for the info.

  5. These are beautiful cleaning tools! Individually wrapped in paper, that's how shop keepers packaged items when I lived in Italy in the late 1980's---I hope they still do, instead of dropping merchandise in a plastic bag. As for the "favorite stranger clad in brown", mine bears a striking resemblance to Antonio Banderas!!! ;o)

  6. Thanks for the tip. I just placed an order.

  7. Oh, how exciting. With carefully wrapped packages like those, I wouldn't want to open them. I would hate to see those get dirty and would want to keep them all nice, bright and clean!

  8. This kind of packaging, attention to detail, and authenticity is something I absolutely admire. And I'm such a sucker for it. Will absolutely check it out...

  9. Love it all...on my way to shop.


  10. how cool, what a treat to open and then use. I love cleaning tools too. great blog...

  11. Oh, I love it. Nothing plastic. Thanks for sharing. Mona

  12. You always find such great treasures! I love my man in the brown suit, he just doesn't come by often enough!

  13. I agree...love these things! Ax

  14. With tools like these, I wouldn't mind a little work around the house!

  15. Hola Rebecca, it´s been a while since my last time here and I´m so happy I browsed through your blog and found soooo many inspiring posts, specially the makeovers, all of them great!! I will go right now to check that site you mention, and the things you got from them are awesome!!!
    Muchos cariños
    Maria Cecilia

  16. Curious, do you wear gloves?
    I love all your new tools. Are you for hire?


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