Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School with Aqua & Orange

If your kids aren't already back to school, today's the day! It's sort of the unofficial start to fall, which always turns my attention to warming up things both inside and out. I can recall so many years when my children's teachers would ask students to draw a picture using favorite colors. I remember once it had to be their 2 most favorite colors. I have plenty of aqua in my home already, and I keep finding myself drawn to orange. Maybe just a throw or a few toss pillow will suffice.

Some of these pictures have just a hint of the colors and for others, it's a really bold gesture! But,  I have saved them all as favorites. Enjoy my "pictures" using orange & aqua!

Aqua paint on an iron table
A winning kitchen combo
Just a hint on the trash can
Vibrant and so inviting

Bold and traditional

The perfect seat


  1. I'm a huge fan of both colors in design! I have a deep, rich turquoise in my dining room on the back of the chairs and in the wallcovering. Also, I use punches of orange in my living room! Great images.

  2. I am currently so "into" the idea of adding a bit orange here and there in my home!

  3. bringing orange into the home really warms up colder days to come!!! Love all your favorite inspiring pictures!!!!

  4. Inspiring pics! These two colors play so well off each other and can come in so many interesting ranges.

  5. I love the combo...in any amount of saturation...that kitchen is so yummy! Makes me want to get rid of the kitchen cabinet doors!


  6. Orange is my favorite, thus the reason I put in my logo! Very inspiring photos!

  7. Love Fall and I'm so ready. Still hot here so ready for weather to break. Have a great week.

  8. my favorite new combo--at the horse show a table was done with turquoise ballroom chairs and orange tablecloth-so chic!

  9. I love the combo of orange and aqua....and did you notice, it sounds nicely together, too!
    xo Elizabeth

  10. Gorgeous combo ~
    Are they opposites
    on the color wheel?
    Yes, a fresh start.
    Love that orange
    xx Suzanne

  11. I use to dislike orange post 70's in a big way & for the last 10 years I love it. It just makes you feel good. Cheerful and optimistic to me. With turquoise it's a win/win.

    Happy start to Fall. Although unofficial like you said once the kiddo's are back at their desks it's fall. I'm ready!

    Cheers xo

  12. Orange was definitely a color of the '70's (but you are too young to know!) and I did shy away from it for many years. I find myself adding pops here and there.......it adds warmth and comfort to most decor!

    Did you take pix of your son's college room? Care to share? I am still working on follow up dorm post!

  13. Orange ya happy that it is back-to-school and now we have more time to contemplate colors and things - love orange with any color and aqua too. I think it is time I drag out a stack of Hermes Orange boxes and Tiffany one's and play around with styling! See what you caused....or inspired~

  14. Love that tile backsplash. Very ready for fall weather here!


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