Friday, September 3, 2010

George Clooney: Foxy Inspiration?

Pier 1 Imports was my go-to store when I had my first apartment. It was close to where I lived and cheap! Fast forward 20+ years and some things haven't changed. Except the go-to part. I will still pop in every once in awhile looking for glasses, storage baskets or some other odd thing and I do like to go in around the holidays and check out their ornament selections. Not long ago I had to hit 3 different locations buying up all the $4/bags of robin's egg soaps for a client. Not kidding. Otherwise I would have had to allocate $20/jar plus shipping for the same thing. Money I needed to spend on other items!

I never look at their catalogue. Yesterday I did. For one simple reason. Foxy George Clooney was on the cover. Okay, it wasn't really him, more like the thought of him. Alright, it was just the sound of his voice. See......

If I lost you, it just means you haven't seen "Fantastic Mr. Fox". Worth renting. George Clooney is the voice of Mr. Fox.  I've seen it 3 times.....don't ask.

Anyway, I  liked the lines of the settee he had his foxy tail on. The fabric, uh...not so much. But this is the sort of piece if I could score a great fabric at a rock bottom price, I would consider recovering it for the right project or room!

I perused the whole catalogue. There were some other decent pieces amongst a whole lot of crap. Each page was an over-accessorized riot of color that required 2 Advil upon completion. Some of the vignettes I swear are from one of their 90's layouts and I am convinced they have stylist's on staff who are on crack.  See for yourself:

Warning: these are not even the worst pages. But, in all fairness, the front of the catalogue does say "Creature Comforts". So if you keep the theme in mind and Advil handy, incorporating a unicorn and a goose into your interiors makes perfect sense. Kind of takes the focus off some of the accessories.  Except for this last image. There are signs of crack use all over it. How do Goldilocks & the 3 bears fit into this???!!!  It seems none of the Pier 1 beds were just right.

Hope everyone has a fantastic long weekend catalogue browsing, renting movies, playing outside or just hanging out!!!  


  1. I didn't even know that they had a catalogue! Hmmm, you might be right about the crack! Have a great weekend!

  2. What has happened to PieI ? I had a client tell me that she went in the store recently and felt like she was in a Buddha Fest? They have definitely chosen the wrong path. Have a great weekend. Mona

  3. When I was in college (the late 1980s), it had much more of an Anthropologie feel to it. Now it's like someone hit McMansion furnishings with a shrink-ray.

    Oh, and I am with you about The Fantastic Mr. Fox. The fox's voice makes me twitchy - in a good way.

  4. This made me laugh so hard. Great recap! Even when you visit the stores it's on overload. I actually bought two wicker chairs there for my front porch a few years ago. If you sift through enough stuff you can generally find a few nice things. They just overload it that it's like the little old lady with all the chachkies.

  5. That unicorn is cussing hilarious. Loved that movie.

  6. Yes, that is one nasty catalogue. I get it too and wonder what they are smoking. Usually I find one or two interesting items, but that's it. The store has such a made-in-China vibe to me that I cannot tolerate more than one or two visits a year, where I still hope to find the pretty, romantic, boho, ethic things I recall loving in my twenties...

    Sad what has happened to them. Does anyone still shop there?

    xo Terri

  7. I agree, they've really changed over the years. A few nice pieces, but I hate having to sift through so much to find what I want. Much easier to go somewhere else.

  8. Wow, that's CRAZY!!
    Can't imagine where they
    are going with this stuff.
    We must have graduated
    around the same time,
    because Pier One was my go-
    to store, too : ) Now
    I find it's hit or miss.
    Plus, at that time the idea
    of "imports" was fun and
    exotic and now it's just
    kind of depressing that so
    little is made in our own
    country anymore. {That's a
    blog post I'm working on
    for another day!} Hmm, George
    Clooney...I think you are
    one for the tall, dark and
    handsome I am!
    Happy Weekend, Rebecca!
    xx Suzanne

  9. I think they need to hire a new marketing team. Not sure they are getting their moneys worth from this one. I do pop into Pier 1 once in a while. Just like you, for dishes, glass ware and candles. Not sure Their catalog would entice me to buy anything. thanks for the good laugh.

  10. Oh my. I haven't been in a pier one in a very long time. Now the catalog doesn't make me want to shop there. I cant decide if the cover is creepy, or just stupid. Hmmm...

  11. That catalog is awful....I used to find great things in Pier One. All of those round percentage offs on the pages make me crazy!

    Art by Karena

  12. I haven't seen the cover, but now I will think "George Clooney" when I do. He's so suave, so Cary Grant-ish isn't he?

  13. They use to be a very good store - but things have changed alot. I recall shopping there when I lived in America. Hope you are enjoying the long weekend XX

  14. Wow, talk about bad design. I used to go in there when I was a kid and play with the imported toys and chinese fans. Happy Labor Day!

  15. Hysterical.
    But I want to buy the unicorn.
    xo xo


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