Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fall Planting...What to do?

I have such admiration for all landscape designers. I truly find such pleasure visiting the landscape blogs. Of course you all are very skilled at creating curb appeal, selecting just the right plantings that are suitable to the style of our home and the climates we live in. But it is truly so much more than that.

The beauty and artistry of what a landscaper or skilled gardener creates is a huge component of our stored memories. I can recall very specific moments with friends dining alfresco, tossing the ball to dogs I've owned,  pushing my kids on the swing set, and laying on the cool lush grass. It is much the same way interior memories are stored. Where you may associate a certain sofa, lamp, fabric or artwork with a specific memory, the same can be said about a beautiful tree in your yard, the scent of honeysuckle, or the potted flowers on your front porch.

I am not a gifted gardener. In fact for a time, nearly the opposite was true. For awhile, killing plantings became one of my specialties! However, my deep love of flowers and greenery as well as the need to constantly bring fresh cuttings indoors hasn't stopped me from experimenting. Over the years, I have learned to seek out the help of those who are knowledgeable, teach myself by reading whatever I can, and pay for services when I know I am clearly out of my range of capability. But, for the smaller tasks such as seasonal pots, I still enjoy having a go at it every season.

Since discovering double impatients, I have  used them quite a bit, with and without other plants in various pots. They look like miniature roses, love the shade and have proven "kill proof" with good soil and water. But, the fall sometimes gets me stumped. Often, I just shove a bunch of branches in these iron pots... never a shortage in our backyard! But, until it is time for pumpkins, I am hoping dear readers, you may have some suggestions and fresh inspiration?

All photos courtesy of A&A


  1. I love the double impatiens and you are right they do look like a little rose. I did a Fall post a few weeks ago. I did planting on my front porch with a nice hearty variety of plants that are colorful for fall. I don't do the traditional fall colors but darker versions of my regular pinks for my yard. You can go here and take a peek.

    If you have any questions at all, please email me. I would love to help. I am by no means a great gardner but I have found plants that seem to take my abuse,hehe Kathysue

  2. Your Double Impatients are beautiful...I love them in the urns!

  3. Your flowers look great. In the fall I usually plant pansies and kale and flowering cabbage since they can survive the cold. I found out this year that there is a new trailing pansy that I can't wait to try.

  4. Too funny, you must have read my mind, the post I wrote for tomorrow discusses this exact topic, come on over and check it out! I'm local, so am happy to help if you need it! *Amy

  5. It all depends on the area. I would honestly go to your local garden center...ask what does best in your climate, add some trailing ivy....and wait for pumpkins! :)
    xo Elizabeth

  6. I am not above going to Merrifield and taking photos of their arrangements and then replicating them in my planters at home. Regrettably, my gardening skills are sub par at best. Right now I've just got some double topiaries in the posts flanking my front door. So far I've managed to keep them alive!

  7. Your impatients look great. I have two pots next to my front porch with boxwood infront and I love the look. Even in LA things grow here all year round so we are not subjected the winter months like back East. However, I typically do Pepper Plants from Trader Joes with the orange and yellow peppers. I do like how Susie mentioned topiaries they always look nice and just for green boxwood looks nice especially in urns.

  8. What landscape and garden design blogs do you read?


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