Friday, October 15, 2010

Harrison Howard

I am not artistic. In high school art class I could turn out the occasional decent drawing and I am able to do basic sketches for clients, when necessary, but that's about it.  My husband's father was an artist and loved to paint. It was his hobby and passion, but not his career. My son inherited the artistic gene and would spend hours drawing and painting. But, once a love of sports took over, his supplies wound up in the back of his closet.  I am endlessly fascinated and in awe of those with artistic talent. I love looking at art and fantasize about pieces hanging on the walls of my own home.

Imagine a space with soaring ceilings, beautiful moldings, gleaming wood floors, the perfect seat to perch on and breathtaking original artwork gracing the walls. Yes, in theory your very own gallery. I do this's the perfect escape!

Several weeks ago I discovered the work of Harrison Howard. It was being featured on the wonderful blog of Coty Farquhar.  I was mesmerized by the vibrant color, details, and story each work contained. Truly brilliant imagination captured. I was so taken, I called my husband come into my office to view the pictures. He commented that they seemed from another era.

Mr. Howard saw my comment on Coty's blog and emailed me to say thank you, but more importantly to share some thoughts about a common link we had.  Mr. Howard had read some of my posts and specifically the Letter To My Son struck a cord with him as his own son departed for college 2 years earlier. We both agreed it is a rather odd grieving process a parent goes through during their child's launch into adulthood. The other somewhat ironic husband and son's middle names make up his full name!

More recently, I have noticed pictures of his work on other blogs, so it seems I am late in my discovery of Mr. Howard's remarkable gift! If it is new to you...enjoy!

Wishing you a colorful autumn weekend!!!


  1. Wonderful images, and yes, you must find art that resonates with you and you will love looking at every day!

    I have a Luxurious New Giveaway on my site....Come and enter!!

    Art by Karena

  2. R, I'm just
    loving his
    work, too!!!
    Reminds me of
    Zuber wallpaper,
    in a way, if you
    are familiar with
    that? With the
    lovely exotic scenes?
    How wonderful that
    you and Mr. Howard
    connected in such
    a special way! I
    am off to explore the
    blog where you discovered
    Happy Weekend!
    xx Suzanne

  3. He has amazing talent for drawing and colour and the weird thing is that I was doing research today for a post on him. Hopefully, the more notice the better. Thanks for sharing.

  4. It is new to me and thanks so much for sharing him with us! His artwork has a sophisticated whimsy about it!

    Kat :)

  5. Not only is Mr.Howard extremely kind, his artwork is exhuberant and full of life. I adore the whimsy, the execution and of course the color.
    As my twins will head off next year to respective colleges, all I can hope is they land where they belong, find passion in their studies and that I will be open to a new phase of artwork for myself. Mr.Howard's work is so inspirational along with the e-mails we have exchanged.

  6. Harrison is a truly lovely man and his work speaks of his passion for design and beauty. We're are particularly drawn to his "Flower Girls"... so fresh and pretty!

  7. I had not seen his work, love it. I saw another artist's work that I loved once and did a post about him, of course I told who's work it was and went on and on about how much I loved it ect. He too emailed me and theatened to sue me! I am glad you had a differant outcome. Thanks for sharing, I will search him out and look for more.

  8. These are just fantastic! They really transport you to a different place. Great use of color!

  9. I adore his work, whimsical and so colorful. It reminds me of the illustrations to fairytales from my childhood in Germany!
    What lovely coincidences with the names...
    I too have children - living far away - in their early adulthood. I miss them so badly and yet I enjoy seeing them in their incredible independence.
    I share your feelings!
    Also enjoyed your post on Hogwarts Castle. I am such a HP fan!


  10. Wow, he is so gifted. They are indeed fantastic and wonderful, in the true meaning of those words!! Thanks for sharing, Terri xo

  11. His work is new to me, and I can really see the appeal here, beautiful!!!

  12. Hi work is new to me....and though I do love it, I truly appreciate those little connections you made. I think we're all more connected than we realize. Sometimes, it just takes our slowing down to realize it.

  13. It is new to me and I think it's wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I also have "spoken" with Harrison online and I can concur - he is indeed a lovely guy and so talented - just love his work - really a very special niche.

  15. I too learned of HH's work on Coty's blog. What an fabulous talent and a gracious man as well. I love his flower pot ladies!

  16. why do people give up so easily to art and devote themselves to other trades...I think that is the material world in which we live
    are beautiful paintings presented...


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