Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vicente Wolf:Lifting The Curtain On Design!

I remember my visit to the bookstore several years ago, when I spotted Vicente Wolf's first book, Learning To See. I was with my husband. We often go book shopping together, head off in different directions, then meet somewhere in the middle with our stacks of possible purchases.

This visit was different. I forgot to meet up after an hour. My husband found me on the floor reading one book. I never sit on the floor. I remember my reaction well. It hasn't change from the first book to magazines showing his work. This is different. This is sexy. Some may find my description odd or not agree, but to me it's perfectly clear.

Vicente Wolf  approaches a space with great confidence.  He is informed by the architecture and the client but the decisions and selections are not just intuitive, but seem almost primal.  His interiors always have color, texture, antiques and artwork. But no one component jumps out to steal the spotlight. The details just reveal themselves to you...slowly.

His trademark yellow flowers that show up in so many of his rooms are never distracting. They are not a jolt of energy, but instead a subtle illumination.

His use of round tufted oversized ottomans are in stark contrast to the sleek trays he places on top. A perfect combination of masculine and feminine.

There are examples of his unique approach to holding the television. Put it plain sight. Make it alluring.

His smart use of pictures ledges allows for a revolving art gallery.
And, he does not shy away from humor! There are many examples if you look closely at his work. Anyone with a sense of humor is just more sexy.

Vicente Wolf is not just a renowned American designer, a world wide traveler, gifted photographer, but also a most entertaining story teller. Very sexy!

I truly learn so much from reading his books. While the photography is stunning, the interiors are beautiful, it's his insights on design and detailed descriptions of his travels that truly captivate me.

Last night, I carefully removed the plastic off his latest book, Lifting The Curtain On Design.  I immediately slid the dust jacket off, which I do with all my books, to see if it revealed the vivid yellow cover that I anticipated. I read late into the night. I am nowhere near done. So far, my expectations have been exceeded.  Now another yellow spine will grace my bookshelves and continue teaching me more about what makes good design!


  1. I feel like I'm just been introduced to someone I've always seen from a distance. And now we're going to meet for coffee. Can't wait to check out the yellow spine!

  2. Since we have
    the same taste
    in men {Gerard
    Clooney} I have
    no doubt that I'm
    about to be smitten
    by Mr. Wolf! {Insert
    howl, here!} Can't
    wait to pick up one
    of his books. I think
    it's the start of
    a beautiful relationship...
    xx Suzanne

  3. I adore Vicente's design works, I will have to go and check on his book which sounds fabulous!!

    Art by Karena

  4. You sound like me. I love Vincente and have admired his work for years especially since it's so close to my personal style. When I got his last book on his travels - I laid in bed and read it cover to cover. Something I never do with a coffee table book. This one is already on my amazon wish list (I have about 10 books) and can't wait to hit the send button on my next paycheck. Like you, I will crawl into bed and absorb every word and detail that is without my boyfriend snoring..nothing ruins a good book or the moment of reading my favorite designer. I have all his books thus far (I fell in love with him, I think it was in Elle Decor - I still have the page ripped out) and cannot wait to get my hands on his new one. Thanks for giving us a sneak peak :)

  5. Isn't it wonderful when a designer can not only inspire you, but touch your soul a little too?!

    Kat :)

  6. i am sure this is a fabulous book.
    i love a nice new (thick) design book.

    i adore grey and yellow.


  7. There's nothing better than to be stuck in an amazing design book. My first super bowl, I hate to admit...I had just bought a fantastic book on English Interiors and sat quietly reading the design book the entire game!!!Couldn't even tell you who played!!!

  8. Wonderful post! I ordered "Lifting the curtain on design". The Amazon Europe will deliver in 3 weeks so I have to wait. Vicente Wolf's books truly captivate me.

  9. Looks wonderful - and sounds like meaningful reading. And smart, talented, with a sense of humor is most definitely my kind of sexy!

  10. 100% agree...love him and his work and his....well what ever!

    thanks for the tip on the new book

  11. Sold! I need to own all of his book! These interiors are gorgeous!

  12. Photographs of Vincent Wolf's interiors published long ago in the Sunday NY Times were one of the first modern interiors I ever clipped for my files. Dreamy. He is very talented, indeed. Reggie

  13. Looks like a good book! That is a really gorgeous kitchen. Have a good day, Kellie xx

  14. I have got to get this new book. I am a great admirer of Vincent Wolfe. I love to follow his blog as well. did you hear his interview a while back on The Skirted Round Table? I hung on his every word and took notes! It's still inn their I-tunes archives if you missed it. Mona


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