My sincere thanks to Mona of Providence Ltd and Danielle of Fresh Quince for giving me the Stylish Blogger Award. In addition, I'd like to thank Renae of Renae Moore Designs for passing The Super Comments award to me. These are blogs that I enjoy a great deal and these 3 ladies have plenty of talent and wonderful blogs, so if you're not familiar, click over and say hello!
In the spirit of the Stylish Blogger Award, I was requested to pass it on to 10 blogs that are newish to me and share 7 things about myself. Talk about difficult with so many wonderful blogs popping up, but here are some recent discoveries that I think are quite stylish!
Ann of Peggy & Fritz
David of Savoir Faire
H.H. of Hill House Ramblings
Jessica of 24 Corners
Joan of For The Love of a House
Kate of Party Resources
Reggie of Reggie Darling
Shari of Little Blue Deer
Stacey of Quintessence
Victoria of Art House Design
And now to tell 7 things you may not know about me...I thought about opting out, but instead I've decided to have a little fun with it!
1.) Most of the time, I enjoy cooking especially for parties and holidays, but I despise grocery shopping. As often as possible, I will coerce my husband and teenage children into doing it. One of the good things that has come from it, is that my son has no trouble navigating the mysteries of the grocery store and does not think that it is a chore just for the wife. When I do go, often it is to higher end or smaller grocers in an effort to make it more pleasant. For me "pleasant" means I bought flowers and no one was in the check-out line torturing me with their cell phone conversation.
2.) In my real life I swear. Not like a sailor or even close. My favorite expletive is sh*t. I say it even when I'm not particularly upset...working on that. I once did it in front of a client who's bathrooms I was renovating at the end of 2009 when I saw something the contractor had done incorrectly. He laughed and said "you don't strike me as the swearing type!?" Of course, I was embarrassed and he quickly said "don't worry, we're going to get along just fine." I blame this flaw as a result of a long career with "the suits" in my former life.
3.) I don't understand the appeal of most reality TV. Especially the stupid women on the "Housewives" shows. I've tried watching various episodes on more than a few occasions, and I'm bored silly. My dog is more intelligent, attractive and amusing.
4.) Currently, my favorite television shows are Mad-Men, Boardwalk Empire and Modern Family (did you all see the last episode with the grape juice spill on the $50K designer rug and the uh...bedroom FUNNY!) But given the choice, I much prefer movies to television.
5.) I love to read, but since I started blogging, I've noticed I'm reading less and less for pleasure. And, I don't mean design books, because that's always a pleasure. Working on that too.
6.) I drive my family nuts with my recycling issues. It's really only an issue because they can't remember that things like empty toilet paper rolls need to be recycled and yet no matter how many times I tell them pizza boxes can not be recycled, they put them in the bin anyway. The recycle bin is in the garage, the trash can is outside...draw your own conclusion.
7.) In the winter I turn the fireplace on in the master bedroom every night just before bed and once I am warm and toasty....I make my husband get out of bed and turn it off. I still consider myself a good wife.
And now to the Super Comments Award, that was easier, except for the questions...please forgive me Renae for opting out with the specific questions attached to this award, but I think one round about me is plenty for one post. If by chance anyone is interested in additional snippets, they can be found here.
Danielle of Fresh Quince
Elizabeth of Pretty Pink Tulips
Kat of Low Tide High Style
Kathysue of The Good Life of Design
Mona of Providence Ltd
Patricia of PVE
Stacey of Quintessence
Sue of The Zhush
Suzanne of Privet & Holly
Tina of Tina Steele Lindsey

Omgosh I am just like you I hate to go grocery shopping unless it is trader Joes and the flowers are a highlight also!! Fun to learn more about you and I get even more of a sense of your wonderful humor. Thank you for the mention it is always a pleasure to come here and read your post and leaving a comment is also a pleasure. Fun getting to know you better, Kathysue
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your award! These are very lovely flowers by the way.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! You are a doll! xx are the best! We are SO alike ON: 2,4, would be number 1 as well, but not only do I hate the supermkt and try to get my husband to go..but I really don't enjoy cooking at all as well.. weird that I love the same exact three shows as you, but I adore my reality "bottom feeder" tv so much, guiltiest of guilty pleasures!:) I wish I had a fireplace in the bedroom!:)
Oh my goodness, I could've written every one of those things about myself except the last. But if I had a fireplace in my bedroom...hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your awards! Loved reading your list. Love to cook and only grocery shopping if it as Fairway! Otherwise, grocery delivery is a nice thing! Housewives, never tried watching...couldn't care less. Never watched American Idol until this season, and now I might be interested (since there are two talented musicians as judges!) I too noticed that blogging was interfering with my reading, so I've stepped back from blogging a tad to stimulate my mind with a good book. I think you and I would get along quite well. Will you be in NY for the gift show?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your well deserved awards! Especially love your last comment (7) about the turning on the fire so your toasty and warm - then getting your Husband to turn it off! :o) LOL.
ReplyDeleteI just received both of those awards and have been little by little plugging away on the questions, they're actually kind of fun once you get into them. Congrats on your awards!
ReplyDeleteI loved what you wrote. You are my kind of ladybug. Honest and funny. xx's
ReplyDeleteI just loved reading all about you! I got a good chuckle or two. No worries on the questions....I'm like you, enough about moi! If I could get back to Wegmann's I would be at the grocery every day! I love that place and Trader Joe's. Both have fab flowers.
I need to take a gander at some of the blogs on your sidebar...some I haven't seen before! : )
Oh what a lovely surprise - thank you so much!! And after reading your revelations, all I can say is - I knew I liked you!! I'm with you on almost all of them - especially number 5 which I am beyond ashamed to admit since I was in publishing for close to 20 years. And we also have a fireplace in our bedroom - BUT - we have lived in our house for 4 years now and never had the gas connected!! Have put it at the top of my husband's ever expanding to do list!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you! Love it! You are too kind, my deer! XX!
ReplyDeleteI would go to the grocery for you anyday!
ReplyDeleteIt is one of my least favorite things to do too....but #$*& it has to be done....right!
Thanks for the award....
Thank you so much Rebecca!! I'm thrilled that you included me in your list...I'm going to update my post...which I'm so thankful is already done because it just about killed me - and my computer!
ReplyDeleteYour list cracked me up! I've not been able to sit through a "Housewives" show OR commercial...I do like Project Runway & Top Chef though, I guess challenges have to be involved. Maybe the housewives should have some kind of game going on (or not!).
Thank you again Rebecca...I'm truly honored!
xo Jessica~
Fun to read about you! I used to hate the grocery store, but now I love long as I am not in short sleeves in the frozen section. LOL.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think you nailed it...they're not doing ANYTHING! My daughter is also a bit addicted to some of the cooking challenge shows,including Gordon Ramsay and I have sat through whole episodes of his shows.
If the "housewives" homes were being re-designed or one was working with a designer on a that I'd watch!
To all,
who dislike the grocery store...truly love knowing that I am not alone!
Wow awards day at Acanthus&Acorn! Congratulations you deserve them all. Your comments always make me smile or even cry (happened once!) You're a really moving and good writer!
ReplyDeletexx Jill
That's hilarious as I feel I could have written 1-6! I'm already in the midst of seeing who I can get to go to the grocery store for me today and my potty mouth has already reared it's ugly head before noon.
ReplyDeletehi Rebecca!
ReplyDeleteFirst...."Congratulations!" , and second- thank you so much for passing this award to me. I am most honored that you included my blog. Thank you!
I loved reading your list. It's fun to get to know people better! Me too on number 2;)! I think a choice swear word or words is necessary on many occassions!!
Thank you again!!
Dear Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on this lovely award! It just proofs how much you are appreciated among bloggers! I always love to come by and read your
posts! And I enjoyed reading about 7 things about you, I had to smile, there are many things which I could easily write about myself as well!
And a heartfelt thank you for passing it on to me among others! Thank you!!!
Sometimes, when I think not to many people are interested in what I have to say (today for example) and I should perhaps stop writing.... an award comes along, which brings me such joy!
To feel to give something meaningful and to do it in a stylish way makes me so happy!
Thank you so much, Rebecca! I always love stopping by your blog and am honored to be included in such lovely company.
ReplyDeleteAm grinning to myself as I regularly drive by certain grocery stores in order to get to the prettier/cleaner one with the best flowers. If I'm going to do it, I'd much rather enjoy the experience.
I am also finding myself slipping on my reading, just as I'm trying to juggle not 1, but 2 bookclubs. I find myself often doing a power reading session just prior to the meeting. I would compare it to cramming for an exam.
xo Elizabeth
Oh Rebecca...I feel like I know you that much better as well. I am pretty much in total agreement with all that you said, especially (and unfortunately) problem is due to the fact that I grew up with 2 older brothers. You never want to hear what I say when I stub my toe...believe me! And thank you so much for honoring me with the Super Comments Award! I am hoping we can all meet up again soon!
ReplyDeletexoxo Danielle
Rebecca: Thank you for considering me worthy of the Stylish Blogger award, I am truly flattered, and all a-blush to find myself in such, well, stylish company! I have since posted on this lovely honor, and I have anointed five others (I know I was supposed to come up with ten, but so many had already been awarded, that I would be sure to be repetitive with more than five). Thank you, again -- Reggie
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing
ReplyDeleteLeaving comments on
ReplyDeleteyour blog is easy....
Your style, your wit
and charm, your kindness
inspire my fingers to
dance across the keyboard!
Loved learning more about
you and discovering that,
like I suspected, we have
a lot in common : ) Thank
you for the lovely mention!
xx Suzanne
Loved reading about you. We have even more in common than I thought. I agree, leaving comments on your blog is easy. You have a great sense of style, shoot straight from the hip and have a great sense of humor. So glad we're friends! Have a great week. Mona
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, and well done everyone. A super blog, very lovely indeed!
R, like Suzanne said, leaving comments on your blog is easy, I love everything you do! Thank you so much for the award and congratulations for receiving not one, but 2 fabulous awards! One of these days we'll meet for lunch!
ReplyDeleteThank you again!
Kat :)
I don't what I like about you better, the fact you hate HOUSEWIVES or admit to swearing! I am so tired of the blogs where everything and everybody is lovely!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, you combine this with design? I'll definately be back-often!
Thank you everyone so very much for your comments! I enjoyed reading each one and they really reflect just how much fun this crazy business of blogging can be!
I say lovely in my real life. Blame it on reading too much English literature, Brits on my mothers side, Brits for friends...But, I get what you're saying and until quite recently I was unaware of this annoyance in blogworld. Can't promise I can delete it from from vocabulary completely, but I'm sure as sh*t trying to say it less!
Thank you! And this was so much fun! It is always fantabulous to learn more about those we cherish in the blogging world!