Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday Tip

Last minute gifts.  Many people keep items on hand for last minute gifts. I rarely seem to have more than two or three things I would consider gifting. Often, I have nothing.  I love giving gifts, but tend to shop in the moment specifically for the person/occasion. Unless, I find myself in that lucky and somewhat rare situation that I know I've found something that's just perfect for someone special. Then I buy and save it for an opportunity to surprise them. I've heard of people having entire closets of gifts! Do you?

Today, I needed to figure out a gift for a friend. The fact I have been under the weather is not an excuse. I won't be able give it to her in person. Even though it will be my husband or daughter dropping it by, I want her to know I'm thinking of her on her special day. I avoid doing anything belated because I think it's sends a message that I'm too busy or don't care enough to be on time.

Pepper jar, glass tube leftover from a school project, and vanilla bottle with stopper.
All saved to be repurposed.

I buy bath salts from time to time. Usually, for myself to try or maybe for use in a client's bathroom. I've accumulated a few different varieties and scents that are unopened.

I don't like giving things in plastic containers and screw caps are ugly!

I love freshly ground pepper. The mill is always close at hand when I cook and during dinner for salad or vegetables. I try to always have an extra supply on hand. My plan was to save enough jars to sort and store all the random buttons that accumulate at the A&A house...by color.

This one will eventually be used to store buttons, paperclips, rubberbands, etc....

So what do you get when you combine a pepper jar and bath salts? The perfect gift last minute gift!

My friend loves to soak in her big bath tub...so I think she will enjoy this little gift.

In addition to birthdays, I think this would make a great Mother's Day, hostess or teacher's gift too. It also occurred to me that they would make great party favors for a bridal shower or luncheon for friends, especially if you're looking to do something nice on a tight budget!

I am loving the combination of aubergine and blue right now. The ribbon and metal heart I had with my wrapping supplies. I have a few miscellaneous charms that I saved from things like candles and cards that make the perfect little embellishments, although beautiful ribbon is really all that's needed.

So next time you get ready to toss or recycle that glass jar or bottle, instead wash it out and save it to reuse for the perfect last minute gift...or to contain something that's creating clutter or just needs to look better!

Tiny Tip: To refresh the cork, I took a scented dryer sheet, wrapped the cork in it and secured it with a rubber band so it wouldn't smell like pepper. Leave it that way until you're ready to use it. Works like a charm! 


  1. Rebecca, great tips I agree I hate plastic but I love a pretty shaped glass bottle. Thi smakes a lovely gift. I do have a storage box that I purchase items ahead of time if I find something that reminds me of someone and I put it in a storage box. I also do that for Easter and Christmas gifts. In fact I have an Easter box started!Kathysue

  2. Great tip! With two little kiddies in preschool and birthday party invites on a regular basis I keep a gift closet. I don't just give from the closet unless I know it make a special little one smile.

  3. I love it Rebecca! I too like to keep things on hand and do a variety of creativeness! Well done Girlfriend!
    Feel better. :)

  4. i will take the stress bath salts....
    unless of course the give you stress!!!

  5. That is so sweet. Love it.

    I love to bake so I often give a little gift of cookies, say to a colleague at work on a birthday - something thoughtful but not requiring a "proper" gift. I love to package them in interesting Chinese food boxes from the craft store and line with wax paper. I have one triple batch of cookies I make and we freeze and I can always gift some. My friend M. who never made much money always baked (great baker) at Christmas and gave tins of sweets. I always thought a box of her baking was the best gift.

    So it is often the thought that truly counts for me! And I love the hand made touch.

    xo Terri

  6. Wonderful idea - and the best bottles were those little baby food ones - they are just the right size for small accumulations like safety pins etc. I've used bottles before for food gifts in combination with other things that I might have around that are not yet used - like a tea towel or special tea.

  7. OOOOhhh, Love the idea for the bath salts. I am among the "hate plastic bottles" group. Surely your friend will be excited to have your very thoughtful gift.

  8. What a lovely gift and no, I don't have a closet of gifts but I wish. Great tips and drier sheets do so much huh? I hope you feel better soon.

  9. Terrific - love it and I do have a stash of gifts on hand which always saves me time and money!

  10. We all need more friends like you! Such a wonderful imagination

  11. I usually have one or two gifts on hand, but never more than that. My best friend devotes an entire closet to gifts- she's never frantic to get a gift together.Thanks for the tip.Have a wonderful day.


  12. Hey ladybug, this is a great post. I think in these times we all need to be "green" and we all need to recycle everything we can. Love this idea of yours. I bought a huge batch of old decanters on Ebay, bought some organic bathsalts there too...filled up the decanters, tied gold silk cording & added a tassel to them, and voila I had perfect beautiful gifts which could be used over & over. xx's

  13. Brilliant. I love bath salts...so fragrant. I am completely out of stock of last minutes gifts. Need to work on that.

  14. Great idea! Better then the last minute wine bottle!

  15. Great idea! I, too, am over plastic and embracing glass. I decant popcorn, etc...even for my pantry.

    Back to gifts though....I do not have a big stash. I do MUCH better in the moment though there are exceptions. I find I have a hard time hanging on to things, so end up sending "just because" gifts.

    Love that blue/aubergine combo too! Get to feeling better!
    xo E

  16. Or for a cook (or anyone who likes to eat) you could just tie the bow around the peppercorns and call it a day!

  17. Wow, your friend is so lucky! Hope you are feeling better! (have never used bath salts...now so curious!)

  18. What a lovely idea. I'm sorry you're still not feeling 100% and able to deliver the gift in person, but I'm sure your friend will love it! I do buy gifts as I see them throughout the year and keep them on a shelf in my closet, but I never have more than 2 or 3 things in there at any given time.

    Get well soon!

    Kat :)

  19. Very thoughtful present, I'm sure she was thrilled! And yes, I do have a gift shelf in one of our closets, it has saved me many a time! *Amy


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