Sunday, April 3, 2011


When I met my husband, the topic of collections came up and he said he collected news and money. It made me laugh, but also made me curious. Sure enough he had been collecting newspapers that had headlines that marked important events in history such as Kennedy's assassination, Nixon resigning the  Office of the President and more colorful headlines such as the trial of that awful and scary Lizzie Borden.

His collection of money began with a trip to Japan at age eighteen. Interestingly, I too had saved many types of currency from my own travels. Together, we have turned much of it into some of our favorite art, but that is a post for another day.

Sunday's new selections.
 Not only does my husband have newspaper collections, but he's a bit of a news junkie. Never is this more apparent than on Sunday mornings. There is something so decadent about sitting with coffee in hand, a fire going and leisurely perusing the papers. Of course, when the weather is good we raise the windows to let the fresh air in. I am more of a browser when it comes to news. Over the years we've fallen into this pattern where my husband will pass a section of the paper to me that he thinks I will find of interest and I will read those articles in detail. I love the idea of bringing a bit of old fashioned news stands and coffee shops into our house.

Many years ago we used to vacation regularly in Cape May, New Jersey. My husband's family had been vacationing there for decades. One year before we had children, we stayed in a beautifully restored historic hotel. I remember the newspaper display in the lobby for guests was amazing. I saw something similar again in France during a trip in 2001 and then again in March of 2009 during one our trips to Charleston, S.C. We were in a favorite shop and the shop owner had her tissue paper hung on rods and in that moment I thought about newspapers again. I knew as soon as we got home exactly how the papers in the A&A house would be corralled. As luck would have it, I found the perfect bars to hang the papers.

Next to the window, the best place to read.
 Last year while reading A Gift Wrapped Life, Sande did a  post where she talked about how much she and her husband loved newspapers and how he had spotted an interesting display during a trip they took. I couldn't believe the picture as it was the exact same set up we had, although the CM execution was far more glamorous! I've meant to do a post linking ever since....

A glimpse of the newspapers on the right December 2009.
I was trying to capture a photo of the backyard just after a blizzard.
So much has changed in this room since this photo, including the addition of curtains!

While I've been sick the past two weeks, I managed to rack up quite an order from including Charlotte Moss Decorates.  And there on  page 191 were the rods again. It seems CM did this for a Kip's Bay showhouse in 2009. And here I thought I was being so clever. Sometimes, it really does seem like there are no new ideas in decorating!

Charlotte Moss design

Anyone that comes over always remarks about the hanging newspapers. It really does become art on the wall as well as solve the problem  of where to put the papers. It has been great for my kids when they have needed articles for current events. For parties, when time allows, we will hang up some of the old papers. I just love to see people's reactions. After the initial confusion, it always gets a laugh! Hope you had a relaxing Sunday morning...reading all your newsworthy papers.


  1. What a good reminder! I was just thinking about this the past week, how I still hadn't gotten to finding rods. Love your idea about displaying events as I do keep major event papers as well. i would never had thought of that!. XO

  2. Glad you're feeling better! The only good things to result from illness are usually a bit of weight loss and a chance to catch up on reading.

    Love the hanging newspaper idea!

  3. I love sitting about on Sundays reading the papers and I love your idea of hanging them. My husband travels a lot and saves articles for me to read and I save things for him. What a great way to store them so he can pick through when he's ready. Great idea! I hope you're feeling better Rebecca.

  4. I loved peeking through your french doors into your living room. What a beautiful setting. It is so perfect that you have your Newspapers hanging in a decorative way, I love it!! I also love hearing how it all came about, fun post, Happy Sunday,Kathysue

    PS Sorry to hear you are still ill. I did the same thing in the month of March I figured I had only gone out 5 days the others I was home not feeling well. It actually go a bit comical after awhile.

  5. I have never seen newspapers look so good! I always used to read the Sunday papers in bed with a cup of coffee!

  6. Rebecca - I LOVE your idea. My husband is a total news junkie but mostly online and TV now. I'm the newspaper hound and my husband is constantly threatening to cancel our subscription as I never seem to get to more than a few sections. And is that last shot your house? I ADORE the wallpaper and how you did the door as well - must look like a jib door on the other side!!

  7. That is amazing! So old world hotel elegant, I can't stand it! For years we used to go down to Cape May as well, its so charming there! The last time we went was when my 11 year old was one... I am feeling so sentimental for this resort town now!

  8. I'd love to institute
    this kind of display
    for some of our magazines.
    We love newspapers, too,
    but have whittled it down
    to the WSJ during the week
    and our local paper on
    Sundays. And now, we are
    getting the WSJ on my husband's
    Kindle, so who knows how much
    longer we will be a hands-on
    paper household? Kind of sad.
    But, it will be a while until
    I give up our magazines and
    some are just so pretty; Nat'l
    Geo, House Beautiful, etc.
    Thanks for the inspiration!!
    xx Suzanne

  9. Just brilliant Rebecca...I love it, but sadly my home is too small to even try to attempt something like that. Hope you are feeling better and funny enough I have been sick the same amount of fact I'm still tired as can be. xx Danielle

  10. Such a fabulous the whole concept, it's truly an ever changing piece of art. I'm pretty sure CM somehow spied 'your' hanging display...and copied it! Such a coincidence!! ;)
    xo J~

  11. What a creative idea! I have a news junkie hubby that seems to read about 40 different news and tech blogs/sites in a day but I still love the hands on feel of a newspaper.

  12. Yes, this is truly an example of "nothing new". This way of keeping the day's papers neat and tidy, as well as magazines, especially "Country Life" back editions has been around forever. From Gentlemen's Clubs to 4 and 5 star hotels, both in the US, the British Isles, and Europe, as well as country inns, and estates...not a new idea atall, but one worth copying for sure.

  13. I think this is a great idea and looks wonderful too. How is Charlotte's book? That is the next one on my list.

  14. Your idea, her idea, doesn't really matter! It's a brilliant idea, but there is not an inch in our house to install such a rod! Apart from the powder room....

  15. How interesting, I've never seen it and have never thought of it, but it's actually quite chic, cool and cozy looking! Your husband is funny. What a funny thing to answer on collections...but it makes sense.

  16. You are so clever and I love the saving of the newspapers with historical events in the making! So smart you two are! I hope you are on the mend and getting back to your 100% self!

  17. Love it! sugar. Thank you very much. pass the homes and lifestyles section, would'ja?

  18. I just found your blog! It is a wonderful place to visit. I love the idea of hanging the newspapers like that, very clever. I'll be back agin soon.

  19. I love that idea of displaying newspapers and am going to use it in my store for local paper magazines we hand out....maybe right by the door. Excellent...thank you!

  20. There is something so comforting about sifting through the Sunday paper, coffee in hand. I love your arrangement. Artistic, useful and a reflection of what your family values.

    Thanks for sharing this peek inside your life!!
    xo Elizabeth

  21. such a creative idea! love it!

    happy weekend and reading!

  22. Rebecca I think you really did a great job romanticing newspapers. It saddens me that some are going out of business as a sign of the times, and internet! I grew up to my father sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and thumbing through the paper. And don't you just hate when you think you have done something SOOO clever only to find out it's already been done!? I hate that! But trust me, it happens to ALL of us!

  23. What a fantastic it! I am a serial newspaper reader and love love love my Sunday paper. This is so creative, pure genius actually. Thank you for sharing!!

  24. This is great. I grew up with a news junkie, my dad and strewn newspapers were de rigour in my household. If only we could have come up wtih a clever way to display them as you have, it wouldn't have been such a pain!

  25. I agree you always have the best ideas.


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